How to make XPM files

Does anyone know how to make .xpm files in Windows? What program is needed?


What’s an .xpm file, i mean what’s supposed to be in it?

The Sun Solaris Unix systems at school use them for desktop icons. I want to make an icon for one of my shortcuts but I don’t have a program that even recognizes what an .xpm file is let alone make one.

After looking it up on the net I have come to think that it is somewhat in the same family as .xbm files, but don’t ask me what they are either. :smiley:

Have you tried opening them with some type of paint program? I was about to mention MS Paint, but realized that only comes with Microsoft Windows :slight_smile:

Oh wait, you want to open them in Windows? Then try MS Paint :slight_smile:

I figured out how to edit them.

I tried Paint Shop Pro 7 and The Gimp for Windows but neither could handdle .xpm files (XPM was disabled in The Gimp). I didn’t try MS Paint yet, but it usually sucks at anything besides .bmp and .ico files, but I’ll give it a try tonight.

I got it working at school with The Gimp for Linux in case you’re interested.

Originally posted by dominique
[B]I figured out how to edit them.

I tried Paint Shop Pro 7 and The Gimp for Windows but neither could handdle .xpm files (XPM was disabled in The Gimp). I didn’t try MS Paint yet, but it usually sucks at anything besides .bmp and .ico files, but I’ll give it a try tonight.

I got it working at school with The Gimp for Linux in case you’re interested. [/B]

Well, then use GIMP ( I know how to do xpm’s from Java, but it’s something
that will take much more time then intall Linux over your windows :).

I’ll just use GIMP at school, it’ll suffice for my needs.

Justin, just to let you know, I tried it in MS Paint but like I suspected it didn’t work.

Originally posted by dominique
[B]I’ll just use GIMP at school, it’ll suffice for my needs.

Justin, just to let you know, I tried it in MS Paint but like I suspected it didn’t work. [/B]

Ok, have you tried to do search on for xpm?
Or on for xpm, windows. Try, it might help you.

Yeah I did. I found one program that would have done the job except it always put a watermarkon the image if you don’t register the program.

Thanx anyways.