How to order MySQL datasets by date


I’m trying to write a script that fetches a bunch of records from a MySQL database table and displays them in chronological order, starting with the most recent.

So far I have:

$query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date,'%e.%c.%Y at %k:%i') AS date, title, name, message FROM guestbook ORDER BY date DESC";

This more or less works, but it displays 9:00 and 11:00 incorrectly (the wrong way round). I’m guessing it would do the same for any time with only one digit before the colon.

Sample output:
Date: 12.4.2011 at 9:51
Date: 12.4.2011 at 11:57
Date: 12.4.2011 at 11:28
Date: 12.4.2011 at 11:01
Date: 11.4.2011 at 23:08
Date: 11.4.2011 at 22:25
Date: 11.4.2011 at 17:14

What I would like:
Date: 12.4.2011 at 11:57
Date: 12.4.2011 at 11:28
Date: 12.4.2011 at 11:01
Date: 12.4.2011 at 9:51
Date: 11.4.2011 at 23:08
Date: 11.4.2011 at 22:25
Date: 11.4.2011 at 17:14

Can anyone give me a hand to sort this out?
Any help gratefully appreciated.

Use another alias for the date in the select, so the order by will use the original date stored in the database.

Cool, that did the trick.
Thank you very much for your help.

even better would be to return only the datetime column, unformatted, properly sorted… and do all your formatting where it should be done, in the application layer
