How to reneme attachments

Dear yokemates!

I liked the script Email to DB to parce email in MySQL and save attachments to disk. It is great.
the scripd:

But I am in trouble. I can not find out how to rename the attachments when saving them to disk.
Now these files are saved as: IDfilemane (for example: 25myimage.jpg)

But I need to save them as: filemame_ID (for example: myimage_25.jpg)
filemame_ID_date_time (for example: myimage_25_2015-01-25-12-00.jpg)

Can you please help me !!!

This is the code:

/** EMAIL TO DB  Author:Ernest Wojciuk */
class EMAIL_TO_DB {

var $IMAP_host; #pop3 server
var $IMAP_port; #pop3 server port
var $IMAP_login;
var $IMAP_pass;
var $link;
var $error = array();
var $status;
var $max_headers = 10; #How much headers to retrive 'max'=all headers
var $filestore; 
var $file_path = '/var/www/files/email/'; #Where to write file attachments
var $partsarray = array();
var $msgid =1; 
var $newid;
var $logid;
var $this_file_name = 'example_1.php'; #If mode "html" 
var $mode = 'html'; #If script run from cron = "cron" or "html"
var $spam_folder = 1; #Folder where moving spam (ID from DB)
var $file = array(); #File in multimart message
function connect($host, $port, $login, $pass){
$this->IMAP_host = $host;
$this->IMAP_login = $login;
$this->link = imap_open("{". $host . $port."}INBOX", $login, $pass);
if($this->link) {
  $this->status = 'Connected';
  } else {
    $this->error[] = imap_last_error();
    $this->status = 'Not connected';
function set_path(){
   $path = $this->file_path;
 return $path;
function set_filestore(){
 $dir = $this->dir_name();
 $path = $this->set_path();
 $this->filestore = $path.$dir;
/** Get mailbox info*/
function mailboxmsginfo(){
//$mailbox = imap_mailboxmsginfo($this->link); #It's wery slow
 $mailbox = imap_check($this->link);
 if ($mailbox) {
   $mbox["Date"]    = $mailbox->Date;
   $mbox["Driver"]  = $mailbox->Driver;
   $mbox["Mailbox"] = $mailbox->Mailbox;
   $mbox["Messages"]= $this->num_message();
   $mbox["Recent"]  = $this->num_recent();
   $mbox["Unread"]  = $mailbox->Unread;
   $mbox["Deleted"] = $mailbox->Deleted;
   $mbox["Size"]    = $mailbox->Size;
 } else {
   $this->error[] = imap_last_error();
return $mbox;
/** Number of Total Emails */
function num_message(){
 return imap_num_msg($this->link);
/** Number of Recent Emails */
function num_recent(){
 return imap_num_recent($this->link);
/** Type and subtype message */
function msg_type_subtype($_type){
 if($_type > 0){
      case '0': $type = "text"; break;
      case '1': $type = "multipart"; break;
      case '2': $type = "message"; break;
      case '3': $type = "application"; break;
      case '4': $type = "audio"; break;
      case '5': $type = "image"; break;
      case '6': $type = "video"; break;
      case '7': $type = "other"; break;
 return $type;
/** Flag message */
function email_flag(){
  switch ($char) {
    case 'S':
       if (strtolower($flag) == '\\seen') {
           $msg->is_seen = true;
   case 'A':
       if (strtolower($flag) == '\\answered') {
          $msg->is_answered = true;
   case 'D':
      if (strtolower($flag) == '\\deleted') {
         $msg->is_deleted = true;
   case 'F':
       if (strtolower($flag) == '\\flagged') {
          $msg->is_flagged = true;
   case 'M':
       if (strtolower($flag) == '$mdnsent') {
          $msg->is_mdnsent = true;
/** Parse e-mail structure  */
function parsepart($p,$msgid,$i){
 if ($p->type!=0){
#if base64
     if ($p->encoding==3)$part=base64_decode($part);
#if quoted printable
     if ($p->encoding==4)$part=quoted_printable_decode($part);
#If binary or 8bit -we no need to decode
#body type (to do)
     switch($p->type) {
       case '5': # image
        $this->partsarray[$i][image] = array('filename'=>imag1,'string'=>$part, 'part_no'=>$i);
#Get attachment
     if (count($p->dparameters)>0){
        foreach ($p->dparameters as $dparam){
        if ((strtoupper($dparam->attribute)=='NAME') ||(strtoupper($dparam->attribute)=='FILENAME')) $filename=$dparam->value;
#If no filename
     if ($filename==''){
         if (count($p->parameters)>0){
             foreach ($p->parameters as $param){
                 if ((strtoupper($param->attribute)=='NAME') ||(strtoupper($param->attribute)=='FILENAME')) $filename=$param->value;
     if ($filename!='' ){
        $this->partsarray[$i][attachment] = array('filename'=>$filename,'string'=>$part, 'encoding'=>$p->encoding, 'part_no'=>$i,'type'=>$p->type,'subtype'=>$p->subtype);
#end if type!=0
#Text email
 else if($p->type==0){
#decode text
     if ($p->encoding==4) $part=quoted_printable_decode($part);
#if base_64
     if ($p->encoding==3) $part=base64_decode($part);
#if plain text
     if (strtoupper($p->subtype)=='PLAIN')1;
#if HTML
     else if (strtoupper($p->subtype)=='HTML')1;
     $this->partsarray[$i][text] = array('type'=>$p->subtype,'string'=>$part);
#if subparts
 if (count($p->parts)>0){
     foreach ($p->parts as $pno=>$parr){
/** All email headers */
function email_headers(){
   if($this->max_headers == 'max'){
     $headers = imap_fetch_overview($this->link, "1:".$this->num_message(), 0);
   } else {
     $headers = imap_fetch_overview($this->link, "1:$this->max_headers", 0);
   if($this->max_headers == 'max') {
       $num_headers = count($headers);
   } else {
      $count =  count($headers);
        if($this->max_headers >= $count){
            $num_headers = $count;
        } else {
            $num_headers = $this->max_headers;
for($i=1; $i<=$size; $i++){
//while (list($key, $val) = each($headers)){
 $subject_s = (empty($val->subject)) ? '[No subject]' : $val->subject;
 $lp = $lp +1;
 $header=imap_headerinfo($this->link, $i, 80,80);
 if($val->seen == "0"  && $val->recent == "0") {echo  '<b>'.$val->msgno . '-' . $subject_s . '-' . $val->from .'-'. $val->date."</b><br><hr>" ;}
 else {echo  $val->msgno . '-' . $subject_s . '-' . $val->from .'-'. $val->date."<br><hr>" ;}
/** Get email */
function email_get(){
  $email = array();
  $header=imap_headerinfo($this->link, $this->msgid, 80,80);
  $from = $header->from;
  $udate= $header->udate;
  $to   = $header->to;
  $size = $header->Size;
  if ($header->Unseen == "U" || $header->Recent == "N") {
#Check is it multipart messsage
  $s = imap_fetchstructure($this->link,$this->msgid);
  if (count($s->parts)>0){
     foreach ($s->parts as $partno=>$partarr){
#parse parts of email
  } else { #for not multipart messages
#get body of message
#decode if quoted-printable
  if ($s->encoding==4) $text=quoted_printable_decode($text);
  if (strtoupper($s->subtype)=='PLAIN') $text=$text;
  if (strtoupper($s->subtype)=='HTML') $text=$text;
  $this->partsarray['not multipart'][text]=array('type'=>$s->subtype,'string'=>$text);
   foreach ($from as $id => $object) {
     $fromname = $object->personal;
     $fromaddress = $object->mailbox . "@" . $object->host;
   foreach ($from as $id => $object) {
     $toaddress = $object->mailbox . "@" . $object->host;
  $email['CHARSET']    = $charset;
  $email['SUBJECT']    = $this->mimie_text_decode($header->Subject);
  $email['FROM_NAME']  = $this->mimie_text_decode($fromname);
  $email['FROM_EMAIL'] = $fromaddress;
  $email['TO_EMAIL']   = $toaddress;
  $email['DATE']       = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime($header->date));
  $email['SIZE']       = $size;
  $email['FLAG_RECENT']  = $header->Recent;
  $email['FLAG_UNSEEN']  = $header->Unseen;
  $email['FLAG_ANSWERED']= $header->Answered;
  $email['FLAG_DELETED'] = $header->Deleted;
  $email['FLAG_DRAFT']   = $header->Draft;
  $email['FLAG_FLAGGED'] = $header->Flagged;
 return $email;
function mimie_text_decode($string){
  $string = htmlspecialchars(chop($string));
  $elements = imap_mime_header_decode($string);
   for ($i=0; $i<count($elements); $i++) {
    $charset = $elements[$i]->charset;
    $txt .= $elements[$i]->text;
  } else {
    $txt = $string;
  if($txt == ''){
    $txt = 'No_name';
  if($charset == 'us-ascii'){
//$txt = $this->charset_decode_us_ascii ($txt);
  return $txt;
/** Save messages on local disc */
function save_files($filename, $part){
  chown($this->filestore.$filename, 'apache');
/** Set flags */
function email_setflag(){
  imap_setflag_full($this->link, "2,5","\\Seen \\Flagged"); 
/** Mark a message for deletion */
function email_delete(){
  imap_delete($this->link, $this->msgid); 
/** Delete marked messages */
function email_expunge(){
/** Close IMAP connection */
function close(){
function listmailbox(){
$list = imap_list($this->link, "{".$this->IMAP_host."}", "*");
if (is_array($list)) {
   return $list;
 } else {
   $this->error =  "imap_list failed: " . imap_last_error() . "\n";
 return array();
function spam_detect(){
  $email = array();
  $id = $this->newid; #ID email in DB
  $execute = mysql_query("SELECT ID, IDEmail, EmailFrom, EmailFromP, EmailTo, Subject, Message, Message_html FROM emailtodb_email WHERE ID='".$id."'");
  $row = mysql_fetch_array($execute);
  $ID = $row['ID'];
  $email['Email']       = $row['EmailFrom'];
  $email['Subject']     = $row['Subject'];
  $email['Text']        = $row['Message'];
  $email['Text_HTML']   = $row['Message_html'];
    $this->update_folder($id, $this->spam_folder);  
    $this->update_folder($id, $this->spam_folder);  
    $this->update_folder($id, $this->spam_folder);  
    $this->update_folder($id, $this->spam_folder);  
function check_blacklist($email){
#spam - emails 
 $execute = mysql_query("SELECT Email FROM emailtodb_list WHERE Email='".addslashes($email)."' AND Type='B'");
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($execute);
 $e_mail = $row['Email'];
 if($e_mail == $email){
  return 1;
 } else {
  return 0;
function check_words($string){
#spam - words
  $string = strtolower($string);
  $execute = mysql_query("SELECT Word FROM emailtodb_words ");
  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($execute)){
  $word = strtolower($row['Word']);
      if (eregi($word, $string)) {
        return 1;
/***      DB FUNCTIONS
/** Add email to DB */
function db_add_message($email){
$execute = mysql_query("INSERT INTO emailtodb_email (IDEmail, EmailFrom, EmailFromP, EmailTo, DateE, DateDb, Subject, MsgSize) VALUES
    '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."',
$execute = mysql_query("select LAST_INSERT_ID() as UID");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($execute);
$this->newid = $row["UID"];
/** Add attachments to DB */
function db_add_attach($file_orig, $filename){
$execute = mysql_query("INSERT INTO emailtodb_attach (IDEmail, FileNameOrg, Filename) VALUES
/** Add email to DB */
function db_update_message($msg, $type= 'PLAIN'){
if($type == 'PLAIN') $execute = mysql_query("UPDATE emailtodb_email SET Message='".addslashes($msg)."' WHERE ID= '".$this->newid."'");
if($type == 'HTML')  $execute = mysql_query("UPDATE emailtodb_email SET Message_html='".addslashes($msg)."' WHERE ID= '".$this->newid."'");
/** Insert progress log */
function add_db_log($email, $info){
  $execute = mysql_query("INSERT INTO emailtodb_log (IDemail, Email, Info, FSize, Date_start, Status) VALUES
    '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."',
  $execute = mysql_query("select LAST_INSERT_ID() as UID");
  $row = mysql_fetch_array($execute);
  $this->logid = $row['UID'];
  return  $this->logid;
/** Set folder */
function update_folder($id, $folder){
 $execute = mysql_query("UPDATE emailtodb_email SET Type = '".addslashes($folder)."' WHERE ID = '".$id."'");
/** Update progress log */
function update_db_log($info, $id){
 $execute = mysql_query("UPDATE emailtodb_log  SET Status = '1', Info='".addslashes(strip_tags($info))."', Date_finish = '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."' WHERE IDlog = '".$id."'");
/** Read log from DB */
function db_read_log(){
$email = array();
 $execute = mysql_query("SELECT IDlog, IDemail, Email, Info, FSize, Date_start, Date_finish, Status FROM emailtodb_log ORDER BY Date_finish DESC LIMIT 100");
 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($execute)){
  $ID = $row['IDlog'];
  $email[$ID]['IDemail']     = $row['IDemail'];
  $email[$ID]['Email']       = $row['Email'];
  $email[$ID]['Info']        = $row['Info'];
  $email[$ID]['Size']        = $row['FSize'];
  $email[$ID]['Date_start']  = $row['Date_start'];
  $email[$ID]['Date_finish'] = $row['Date_finish'];
 return $email;
/** Read emails from DB */
function db_read_emails(){
if (!isset($db)) $db = new DB_WL;
$email = array();
$execute = mysql_query("SELECT ID, IDEmail, EmailFrom, EmailFromP, EmailTo, DateE, DateDb, Subject, Message, Message_html, MsgSize FROM emailtodb_email ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 25");
 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($execute)){
  $ID = $row['ID'];
  $email[$ID]['Email']     = $row['EmailFrom'];
  $email[$ID]['EmailName'] = $row['EmailFrom'];
  $email[$ID]['Subject']   = $row['Subject'];
  $email[$ID]['Date']      = $row['DateE'];
  $email[$ID]['Size']      = $row['MsgSize'];
 return $email;
function dir_name() {
 $year  = date('Y');
 $month = date('m');
 $dir_n = $year . "_" . $month;
 echo $this->set_path();
 if (is_dir($this->set_path() . $dir_n)) {
   return $dir_n . '/';
 } else {
   mkdir($this->set_path() . $dir_n, 0777);
   return $dir_n . '/';
function do_action(){
 if($this->num_message() >= 1) {
   if($this->msgid <= 0) {
     $this->msgid = 1;
    } else {
     $this->msgid = $_GET[msgid] + 1;
#Get first message
  $email = $this->email_get();
#Get store dir
  $dir = $this->dir_name();
#Insert message to db
  $ismsgdb = $this->db_add_message($email);
  $id_log = $this->add_db_log($email, 'Copy e-mail - start ');
  foreach($this->partsarray as $part){
   if($part[text][type] == 'HTML'){
#$message_HTML = $part[text][string];
     $this->db_update_message($part[text][string], $type= 'HTML');
   }elseif($part[text][type] == 'PLAIN'){
     $message_PLAIN = $part[text][string];
     $this->db_update_message($part[text][string], $type= 'PLAIN');
#Save files(attachments) on local disc

// $message_ATTACH[] = $part[attachment];
    foreach(array($part[attachment]) as $attach){
       $attach[filename] = $this->mimie_text_decode($attach[filename]);
       $attach[filename] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-\.]/i', '_', $attach[filename]);
       $this->add_db_log($email, 'Start coping file:"'.strip_tags($attach[filename]).'"');
       $this->save_files($this->newid.$attach[filename], $attach[string]);
       $filename =  $dir.$this->newid.$attach[filename];
       $this->db_add_attach($attach[filename], $filename);
       $this->update_db_log('<b>'.$filename.'</b>Finish coping: "'.strip_tags($attach[filename]).'"', $this->logid);
#Save files(attachments) on local disc
    $message_IMAGE[] = $part[image];
    foreach($message_IMAGE as $image){
       $image[filename] = $this->mimie_text_decode($image[filename]);
       $image[filename] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-\.]/i', '_', $image[filename]);
       $this->add_db_log($email, 'Start coping file: "'.strip_tags($image[filename]).'"');
       $this->save_files($this->newid.$image[filename], $image[string]);
       $filename =  $dir.$this->newid.$image[filename];
       $this->db_add_attach($image[filename], $filename);
       $this->update_db_log('<b>'.$filename.'</b>Finish coping:"'.strip_tags($image[filename]).'"', $this->logid);
$this->update_db_log('Finish coping', $id_log);
  if($email <> ''){
# echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; url=email.monitor.mail.php?msgid=".$this->msgid."\">";
      if($this->mode == 'html') {
        echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; url=".$this->this_file_name."?msgid=0\">";
        echo "E-mail extract"; 
   } else {
    # No messages
       if($this->mode == 'html') {
        echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10; url=".$this->this_file_name."?msgid=0\">";
        echo "E-mail extract";  
}#end class

My guess would be that you’d need to work on this section:

#Save files(attachments) on local disc $message_IMAGE[] = $part[image]; foreach($message_IMAGE as $image){ $image[filename] = $this->mimie_text_decode($image[filename]); $image[filename] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-\.]/i', '_', $image[filename]); $this->add_db_log($email, 'Start coping file: "'.strip_tags($image[filename]).'"'); $this->save_files($this->newid.$image[filename], $image[string]); // HERE *** $filename = $dir.$this->newid.$image[filename]; $this->db_add_attach($image[filename], $filename); $this->update_db_log('<b>'.$filename.'</b>Finish coping:"'.strip_tags($image[filename]).'"', $this->logid);

You can see the line I’ve marked with “HERE ***” - this saves the file by joining the id number and the image filename. If you want it the other way around, you’d first need to add some code to strip out the first part of the filename (“myimage”), append the underline and the id, and finally add the extension on the end. You’d have to make the same change to the next line as well, so the database has the correct filename in it.

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