How to restart mysql_fetch_array while loop

How do you restart a while mysql_fetch_array loop?

     echo $row['id']."<br>"; // will echo all the IDs
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // won't run at all
     echo $row['id']."<br>";

You could do the query again?

     echo $row['id']."<br>"; // will echo all the IDs

$result = mysql_query($query);

while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // won't run at all
     echo $row['id']."<br>";

yeah that’s the simplest way, but it wouldn’t it be more efficient to restart the loop than call the mysql server?

How about this: ? I’ve never tried it …

 mysql_data_seek($result, 0);


You could alsways put the results from the query into a non mysql array format

$new_array = array();
     $new_array[] = $row['id'];

Then you can use that array in any format you like

foreach($new_array as $data) {

Thank you Red, that did the trick!