How to return to previous URL after submitting php form (website is local to computer

Hey guys!

So I wanted to make some sort of program from my friends bachelorette party to electronically submit rsvps and such, but I only know how to make websites, not how to program, so I’m making a website and burning it to disk.

Anyway, I have “feedback.php” on my server and the form is submitting fine from locally on my machine, but I can’t figure out how to redirect back to the previous page. This is the code I have so far:


		<form action="" id="form1" method="post">
                <label>Your Name:<input name ="name" type="text"></label>
                <label>Your E-mail:<input name="email" type="text"></label>
				Will you be attending? <input type="radio" name="rsvp" value="yes">Yes<input type="radio" name="rsvp" value="no">No
                <div class="btns"><a href="javascript:document.getElementById('form1').reset()" class="more">Clear</a><a href="javascript:document.getElementById('form1').submit()" class="more">Send</a></div>

And here is my php file code:

$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$rsvp = $_POST['rsvp'];

$msg = "Name: $name\
$msg .= "Email: $email\
$msg .= "rsvp: $rsvp\
$recipient = "";
$subject = "RSVP for Lauren!";
$mailheaders = "From:$email\
$mailheaders .= "Reply-To:$email";
mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);
echo "RSVP Received!";

<script language="JavaScript">
var time = null
function move() {

window.location = "<?php echo $ref ?>";

<body onload="timer=setTimeout('move()',1000)">
<h2>Redirecting back to main</h2>


Currently, it just automatically refreshes the php page over and over again.

How are you going to run this app? PHP and apache have to be installed on the machine its being put in.