How to save data to mysql from javascript

i have a a script for typing speed test. after 10 sex. script shows some result like

Raw CPM: 35 Corrected CPM: 20 WPM: 4Time left: 0

Your score: 20 CPM (that is 4 WPM)

In reality, you typed 35 CPM, but you made 3 mistakes (out of 7 words), which were not counted in the corrected CPM score.

Your mistakes were:

* Instead of "[b]language[/b]", you typed "[b]dkfre[/b]".
* Instead of "[b]start[/b]", you typed "[b]regre[/b]".
* Instead of "[b]been[/b]", you typed "[b]rege[/b]".

i want to store these value to mysql database through php
pease help me how can i do this???

here is my html code

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN” “”>
<title>Typing Speed Test - Online Typing Test - CPM, WPM and percentile</title>
<meta property=“fb:admins” content=“100000423950474”>
<xmeta http-equiv=“X-UA-Compatible” content=“IE=EmulateIE7”>

<script type=“text/javascript”>
var $iphone = 0;
var $sourcewords =
'the name of very to through and just form in much is great it think you say ’ +
'that help he low was line for before on turn are cause with same as mean ’ +
'differ his move they right be boy at old one too have does this tell from ’ +
'sentence or set had three by want hot air but well some also what play there ’ +
'small we end can put out home other read were hand all port your large when ’ +
'spell up add use even word land how here said must an big each high she such ’ +
'which follow do act their why time ask if men will change way went about light ’ +
'many kind then off them need would house write picture like try so us these ’ +
'again her animal long point make mother thing world see near him build two self ’ +
'has earth look father more head day stand could own go page come should did ’ +
'country my found sound answer no school most grow number study who still over ’ +
'learn know plant water cover than food call sun first four people thought may ’ +
'let down keep side eye been never now last find door any between new city work ’ +
'tree part cross take since get hard place start made might live story where saw ’ +
'after far back sea little draw only left round late man run year don\'t came ’ +
'while show press every close good night me real give life our few under stop ’ +
'open ten seem simple together several next vowel white toward children war ’ +
'begin lay got against walk pattern example slow ease center paper love often ’ +
'person always money music serve those appear both road mark map book science ’ +
'letter rule until govern mile pull river cold car notice feet voice care fall ’ +
'second power group town carry fine took certain rain fly eat unit room lead ’ +
'friend cry began dark idea machine fish note mountain wait north plan once ’ +
'figure base star hear box horse noun cut field sure rest watch correct color ’ +
'able face pound wood done main beauty enough drive plain stood girl contain ’ +
'usual front young teach ready week above final ever gave red green list oh ’ +
'though quick feel develop talk sleep bird warm soon free body minute dog strong ’ +
'family special direct mind pose behind leave clear song tail measure produce ’ +
'state fact product street black inch short lot numeral nothing class course ’ +
'wind stay question wheel happen full complete force ship blue area object half ’ +
'decide rock surface order deep fire moon south island problem foot piece yet ’ +
'told busy knew test pass record farm boat top common whole gold king possible ’ +
'size plane heard age best dry hour wonder better laugh true thousand during ago ’ +
'hundred ran am check remember game step shape early yes hold hot west miss ’ +
‘ground brought interest heat reach snow fast bed five bring sing sit listen ’ +
‘perhaps six fill table east travel weight less language morning among’
$sourcewords = $sourcewords.split(’ ');

// The following is public domain. Feel free to use it for your own project.
// I’d like to see what you used it for :slight_smile:
function i($s) {
// String interpolation. Just eval the result.
var $r = “'”
+ $s.replace(/‘/g, "\\’").replace(
/(\$[.\w]+\[\$[.\w]+\]|(\$[.\w]+))/g, “‘+$1+’”
// Default is non-greedy, so “?” won’t work.
/\$\.(\w)/g, ‘this.$1’
// Perl 6-ish $.foo for object attributes
/<\/\./g, “</”
// Can’t have “</” followed by a letter in <script>, so I use “</.foo”.
) + “'”;
return $r;

function time() {
// Return the current time as a timestamp in seconds
return (new Date()).valueOf() / 1000;

function el($id) {
return document.getElementById($id);

// Provide the XMLHttpRequest class for IE 5.x-6.x:
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest == “undefined”) XMLHttpRequest = function() {
try { return new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0”) } catch(e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0”) } catch(e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.XMLHTTP”) } catch(e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”) } catch(e) {}
// throw new Error( “This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.” )
return null;

function thingWithWords($arg) {

// [The Future of the Web » Detect Internet Explorer 6 in JavaScript » Web Development with JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and MySQL](
this.exploder  = /*@cc_on!@*/false;
this.opera     = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") &gt; -1;

if (this.exploder && navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE [89]/))
    this.exploder = false;

for ($_ in $arg) this[$_] = $arg[$_];

if (!$arg.words) this.words = new Array('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'xyzzy');
if (!$arg.interval) this.interval = 500;

this.current    = 0;            // Index of the current word
this.iscorrect  = new Array();  // Status of all previous words
this.starttime  = 0;            // Timestamp of first keypress (ms)
this.chars      = 0;            // Number of characters typed
this.goodchars  = 0;            // Number of characters typed and accepted
this.keypresses = 0;            // Number of keys pressed (released, really)
this.lastword   = false;        // Stop after_this word
this.wrongwords = new Array();  // For description of negative $delta
this.interval_id;               // ID to stop the interval
this.rawcpm;                    // $chars / $time
this.cpm;                       // $goodchars / $time
this.wpm;                       // $cpm / 5
this.enterused  = false;

this.do_hook = function($hook, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4) {
    if (!this[$hook]) return;
    this[$hook].apply(this, new Array($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4));

this.render = function() {

    var $newhtml = '';
    if (this.current)
        for (var $i = 0; $i &lt; this.current; $i++) {
            var $class = this.iscorrect[$i] ? 'correct' : 'incorrect';
            $newhtml += eval(i(
                "&lt;span class=$class&gt;$.words[$i]&lt;/.span&gt; "
    $newhtml += eval(i(
        "&lt;span id=currentword&gt;$.words[$.current]&lt;/.span&gt; "
    $newhtml += '&lt;span id=nextwords&gt;'
        + this.words.slice(
            this.current + 1,
        ).join(' ')
        + '&lt;/'+'span&gt;'

    var $words_el = el('words');
    $words_el.innerHTML = $newhtml;

    if (this.opera) $words_el.scrollTop = 0;

    var $scrollbase_el  = el(this.exploder ? 'nextwords' : 'currentword');
    var $scroll = (
        $scrollbase_el.offsetTop - el('currentword').offsetHeight*1.3

    if (!this.exploder) $scroll -= $words_el.offsetTop;

    if ($scroll &lt; 0) $scroll = 0;
    $words_el.scrollTop = $scroll;


this.calcspeed = function() {
    var $seconds = time() - this.starttime;
    if (!$seconds) return;  // div by zero when timer's bad
    if (!this.current) return;  // div by zero

    this.do_hook('before_calcspeed', $seconds);

    this.rawcpm = Math.floor(this.chars / $seconds * 10);
    this.cpm    = Math.floor(this.goodchars  / $seconds * 10);
    this.wpm    = Math.round(this.cpm / 5);

    this.do_hook('after_calcspeed', $seconds);

this.advance = function() {


    // this.lastword can be set by another function, but if we're actually
    // at *the last word*, then force it to true.
    if (this.current &gt;= this.words.length) this.lastword = true;


    if (this.lastword) {
        el('input').disabled = 1;
        el('wordsbox').innerHTML = ? : "Done!";
    } else {


this.beforgiving = function ($given) {

this.keypress = function ($input_el, $event) {
    var $value = $input_el.value;
    var $length = $value.length;
    this.do_hook('before_keypress', $value);
    if (!$length) return;


    var $keycode = $event.which ? $event.which : $event.keyCode;
    if ($keycode == 13) {
        this.enterused = true;
        // Enter pressed. Pretend that spacebar was pressed.
        $input_el.value = $value += " ";

    if (!$value.match(/[^ ]/)) {
        // Only whitespace. Remove and ignore.
        $input_el.value = $value.replace(/^ +/, '');

    if (!this.starttime) {
        this.starttime = time();
        var $this = this;  // for closure
        this.interval_id = setInterval(
            this.ticktock // premature optimization? :)
                ? function () { $this.ticktock(); }
                : function () { null; },

    var $wordandspace = $value.match(/^.+? /);
    if (!$wordandspace) {
        this.do_hook('after_keypress', $value);
    $wordsandspace = new String($wordandspace);  // coerce

    $input_el.value = $value.replace(/^.+? +/, "");
    this.chars += $wordsandspace.length;

    var $given    = $wordsandspace.match(/^[^ ]+/);
    var $expected = this.words[this.current];

    if ($given == $expected) {
        this.do_hook('on_correct_word', $given);
        this.goodchars += $wordsandspace.length;
        this.iscorrect[this.current] = true;
    } else if (this.allowwrong) {
        this.do_hook('on_wrong_word', $given, $expected);
        if (!this.strictwrong) {
            // Mitigate damage when someone forgets the spacebar or presses
            // it before_finishing a word
            for (var $delta = -2; $delta &lt;= 3; $delta++) {
                if ($delta == 0) continue;
                if ($given != this.words[this.current + $delta]) continue;

                if ($delta &gt; 0) {
                    // a-ha! user skipped $delta words
                    for (var $i = 0; $i &lt; $delta; $i++) {
                            'on_skipped_word', this.words[this.current]
                        this.iscorrect[this.current] = false;
                } else {
                    // extra space in a word: user "skipped -1 or -2 words"
                    if (this.iscorrect[this.current + $delta]) break;
                    var $extra = new Array();
                    for (; $delta &lt; 0; $delta++) {
                    this.do_hook('on_extra_words', $extra);
                this.goodchars += $wordsandspace.length;
                this.iscorrect[this.current] = true;
    } else {
        // do nothing
    this.do_hook('after_keypress', $value);

this.init = function() {


// Public domain part ends here. Please don’t copy the following.

var $words = new Array();

for (var $i = 1; $i < 300; $i++)
Math.floor(Math.random() * $sourcewords.length)

var $speedtest = new thingWithWords({ // I have a thing with words :wink:
words: $words,
allowwrong: true,
interval: 200

$speedtest.mistakes = new Array(); // Descriptions of mistakes
$speedtest.cheater = false; // Basic copy/paste detection

$speedtest.on_wrong_word = function($given, $expected) {
“Instead of \”$expected\“, you typed \”$given\“.”
this.wrongwords[this.current] = $given;

$speedtest.on_skipped_word = function($word) {
this.mistakes.push(eval(i(“You skipped the word \”$word\“.”)));

$speedtest.on_extra_words = function($words) {
this.mistakes.length - $words.length - 1,
$words.length + 1
for ($i in $words) this.mistakes.push(eval(i(
“You typed an extra word: \”$words[$i]\“.”

$speedtest.before_advance = function() {
if (this.lastword) el(‘timer’).innerHTML = ‘0’;

$speedtest.after_keypress = function($value) {
if (this.current >= this.words.length) return;
if ($value.length > 5*this.words[this.current].length ) {
this.cheater = true;
“Er… the word \”$.words[$.current]\" is not $value.length "
+ "characters long … :). Don’t forget to press the space bar "
+ “after each word! (You have to start over now…)”

$speedtest.ticktock = function() {
var $remaining = Math.ceil(10 - (time() - this.starttime));
if ($remaining <= 0) {
$remaining = ‘finish word’;
this.lastword = true;
el(‘timer’).innerHTML = $remaining;

$speedtest.after_calcspeed = function ($seconds) {
if (this.current == 0) return;
if ($seconds < 3 && !this.lastword) return;
el(‘rawcpm’).innerHTML = this.rawcpm;
el(‘cpm’ ).innerHTML = this.cpm;
el(‘wpm’ ).innerHTML = this.wpm;

$ = function () {
var $report = eval(i(
"<p id=result>Your score: <big>$.cpm</.big> CPM "
+ “(that is <big>$.wpm</.big> WPM)<div id=pct></div>”

var $missers     = this.cpm == this.rawcpm ? 0 : 0 + this.mistakes.length;
var $mistake_s   = ($missers == 1 ? 'mistake' : 'mistakes');
var $excl        = ($missers == 0 ? '!' : '');
if (this.cheater) $excl = "*";

$tweet = eval(i("I did a typing speed test and scored $.cpm CPM = $.wpm WPM (with $missers $mistake_s$excl) at"));
$tweet = $tweet.replace(/ /g, "+");  // Unfortunately, they don't appear to understand real URI encoding.

$report += eval(i(
    "&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href='#'&gt;" +
    "&lt;img border=0 alt='' width=138 height=55 &gt;&lt;/a&gt;"

if ($missers) {
    var $waswere     = ($missers == 1 ? 'was'     : 'were');

    $report += eval(i(
        "&lt;p&gt;In reality, you typed $.rawcpm CPM, but you made $missers "
        + "$mistake_s (out of $.current words), which $waswere not counted "
        + "in the corrected CPM score. &lt;p&gt;Your $mistake_s $waswere:"

    $report += '&lt;ul&gt;';
    for (var $i in this.mistakes)
        $report += '&lt;li&gt;' + this.mistakes[$i];
    $report += '&lt;/ul&gt;';
    $report += eval(i(
        "&lt;p&gt;Congratulations! You typed all $.current words correctly!"

if (this.rawcpm &gt; 300)
    $report += '&lt;p&gt;I advise you to take a 2 minute break now.';

if (this.enterused) {
    $report += '&lt;p&gt;By the way, you used &lt;b&gt;enter&lt;/b&gt; instead of the ' +
        '&lt;b&gt;space bar&lt;/b&gt;. Try using space next time; this will probably ' +
        'result in a greater overall typing speed.'

var $foo = new Image();
$foo.src = eval(i(
    + "ip=;keys=$.keypresses;chars=$.chars;cheater="
    + (this.cheater?"1":"0") + ";iphone=$iphone;enterused="
    + (this.enterused?"1":"0")

return $report;


$speedtest.after_report = function () {
if ($http = new XMLHttpRequest()) {
// $“GET”, “pct1.html?cpm=” + this.cpm);
$http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ($http.readyState != 4) return;
document.getElementById(“pct”).innerHTML = $http.responseText;

function oninit() {
$input_el = el(‘input’);
$input_el.value = “”;

<body onload=“oninit()”>

<div id=container>

<div id=testui>
<div id=“header”>
<div class=“logo”></div>
<div class=“title-box”>
<h1>Certify Yourself For Typing Skills With Online Examination.</h1>
<p>Find out how fast your fingers are! Saperate Each Word With a Space after Typing. The timer starts automatically when you begin to type, and after one minute you get your score. Good luck!</p>

<div id=score>
<div class=“raw-box”>Raw CPM: </div> <div id=rawcpm>?</div>

<div class=“raw-box”>Corrected CPM: </div> <div id=cpm>?</div>
<div class=“raw-box”>WPM: </div> <div id=wpm>?</div>

<div class=“raw-box”>Time left: </div> <div id=timer>10</div>


<div id=wordsbox>
<div id=words onclick=“el(‘input’).focus();”></div>

<input id=input onkeyup=“$speedtest.keypress(this, event);” autocomplete=off>




I guess what you want to do is have javascript send the data to a PHP script that will save the data in the database?
If so, take a look at AJAX.

If I didn’t understand your question, feel free to explain further.

thanx but can u explain me step by step hoe o integrate ajax with my coding and please post some codes for me