How to select a specific map(world) area to act onclick action

I am building a script where a wolrd map is appeared ( bases on amaps tool) and I would like to add in div area an onclick attribute active only for a certain area of the map. (lets sayonly USA). That means that I will be able to mouseover the entire map but nothig will happens untill i will enter USA area.
Please any help on this it will be perfect.
Please find below the script

Thank you so muchhhhhhhhhh


     &lt;title&gt;Aegean Airlines&lt;/title&gt;

    &lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"&gt;

    &lt;script src="../ammap/ammap.js" type="text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
    &lt;script src="../ammap/maps/js/worldLow.js" type="text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

	&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;

	//message boxs area
		// add all your code to this method, as this will ensure that page is loaded
		AmCharts.ready(function() {
		// create AmMap object
		var map = new AmCharts.AmMap();

		// set path to images
		map.pathToImages = "..ammap/images/";

		    var icon="M21.25,8.375V28h6.5V8.375H21.25zM12.25,28h6.5V4.125h-6.5V28zM3.25,28h6.5V12.625h-6.5V28z";
		    var dataProvider = {mapVar: AmCharts.maps.worldLow};

			map.areasSettings = {
				unlistedAreasColor: "#DDDDDD",
				rollOverOutlineColor: "#FFFFFF",
				rollOverColor: "#CC0000",
				balloonText: "[[title]] ",
				//autoZoom: true,
                selectedColor: "#000000"

		    dataProvider.areas = [
			//east -area
		        title:"Albania" ,
		        id: "AL",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East",
		        title: "Georgia",
		        id: "GE",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
		        title: "Russian Federation",
		        id: "RU",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
				title: "Azerbaijan",
		        id: "AZ",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
		        title: "Turkey",
		        id: "TR",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East",
		        title: "Israel",
		        id: "IL",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
		        title: "Cyprus",
		        id: "CY",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
				title:"Bulgaria" ,
		        id: "BG",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
		        title: "Egypt",
		        id: "EG",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
		        title: "Kuwait",
		        id: "KW",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
				title: "Lebanon",
		        id: "LB",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
		        title: "Romania",
		        id: "RO",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
		        title: "Serbia",
		        id: "RS",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
		        title: "Ukraine",
		        id: "UA",
		        color: "#3366CC",
		        groupId: "Int - East"},
				//central area
			{	title: "Austria",
		        id: "AT",
		        color: "#66CC99",
		        groupId: "Int - Central"},
		        title: "Czech Republic",
		        id: "CZ",
		        color: "#66CC99",
		        groupId: "Int - Central"},
				title: "Germany",
		        id: "DE",
		        color: "#66CC99",
		        groupId: "Int - Central"},
		        title: "Poland",
		        id: "PL",
		        color: "#66CC99",
		        groupId: "Int - Central"},
		        title: "Sweden",
		        id: "SE",
		        color: "#66CC99",
		        groupId: "Int - Central"},
		        title: "Hungary",
		        id: "HU",
		        color: "#66CC99",
		        groupId: "Int - Central"},

		     //Inter - West
			{	title: "Belgium",
		        id: "BE",
		        color: "#FFCC33",
		        groupId: "Int - West" },
		        title: "Spain",
		        id: "ES",
		        color: "#FFCC33",
		        groupId: "Int - West"},
				title: "France",
		        id: "FR",
		        color: "#FFCC33",
		        groupId: "Int - West"},
		        title: "Italy",
		        id: "IT",
		        color: "#FFCC33",
		        groupId: "Int - West"},
		        title: "United Kingdom",
		        id: "GB",
		        color: "#FFCC33",
		        groupId: "Int - West"},
		        title: "Switzerland",
		        id: "CH",
		        color: "#FFCC33",
		        groupId: "Int - West"}
		     // pass data provider to the map object
		       map.dataProvider = dataProvider;
             // map.objectList = new AmCharts.ObjectList("listdiv");
		     // map.showImagesInList = true;

            var legend = {
		        width: 600,
		        backgroundAlpha: 0.5,
		        backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
		        borderColor: "#666666",
		        borderAlpha: 1,
		        bottom: 10,
		        left: 15,
		        horizontalGap: 10,
		        data: [
		            title: "Int - East",
		            color: "#3366CC"},
		            title: "Int - West",
		            color: "#FFCC33"},
		            title: "Int - Central",
		            color: "#66CC99"}

		/* create areas settings
		* autoZoom set to true means that the map will zoom-in when clicked on the area
		* selectedColor indicates color of the clicked area.
		//map.areasSettings = {
       // autoZoom: true,
       // selectedColor: "#000000"

		// let's say we want a small map to be displayed, so let's create it
		  map.smallMap = new AmCharts.SmallMap();

		// write the map to container div

	 function readMouseMove(elem){
	  var top=0, left=0
	    top = top + parseInt(elem.offsetTop)
	    left = left + parseInt(elem.offsetLeft)
             if(top == '0' && left == '0'){

	function popup(){'http://localhost/connection.php','name');



&lt;div id="mapdiv"  style="width: 600px; height: 400px; border:1px solid black;background-color: rgb(193,255,255);"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

