How to track any campaign with Google Analytics?

Hello Guys !!!

I want to know about how to track banner add campaign track on GA…

According to Google there are 19,900,000 results for "How to track any campaign with Google Analytics " and I am sure one of them could answer your question.

Alternatively you could read the Google analytic instructions!

what is GA are you asking about Pay per click??

If you want to track your banners campaign in GA you need to use UTM parameters in your banners destination URL.

You would need 3 UTM parameters:

  1. utm_source=
  2. utm_medium=
  3. utm_campaign=

You can use this tool to build your links which will also explain what values to put in each field.

After you’ve done it you should be able to filter the banners traffic in Analytics in “Traffic Sources” report.

Good luck

Thanks i will try it