How to upload database from my local computer to the Hosting Server

Hi there!

I have created my website in php and database in mysql on my local computer (Environment: WinXP Home, Apache, PHP, MySQL), and its working fine on my local computer.

So, I recently registered a domain name and also the hosting plan from They provide PhpMyAdmin interface inorder for us to work with our database on their server.

From that interface (they call it controlview) I can create tables, run SQL statements. There is also an option of running SQL statements by selecting a file even it is located on our local computer.

So, inorder to upload my database from my local computer to the hosting server, I have dumped my database to a .sql file and tried to execute it from the controlview considering that it will create all my tables with data in them. It is executing that .sql file and tells that your sql statements have been executed but I dont see any tables created. I contacted GoDaddy but it looks like those people are not familiar about that as well as I couldn’t find any articles on the internet also.

Please provide help in uploading my database from my local computer to my hosting server, as that is the only thing stopping me in launching my website. Help would be appreciated.

HMM, Ive used phpMyAdmin for years and have never seen a problem like this yet but I have a few thoughts about what you might want to try.

Have you created a database in your regular control panel before trying to upload the sql. Usually its in a database section of the control panel and has some commands to do the following

a. create a database
b. create a user and a password
c. once the user is created add the user to the db

Usually those steps need to be done and then you go into phpMyAdmin, click on the db you have created and then upload your sql into that db…

But without seeing the actual interface its tough for anyone to know exactly what may be wrong.

Actually, once you buy hosting plan from GoDaddy, they will send you a link by which you have to create the username with password inorder to get into the ControlView (PhpMyAdmin). This username will also be the name of your database which will be created automatically by them. Once you login with the username and password, you can see your database in the letftwindow of the PhpMyAdmin.

As I mentioned earlier, we will be able to create tables, and add data. And so I tried to upload and execute the dumped .sql file in the PhpMyAdmin window. It didn’t work.