How to use Google keyword planner

Hello friends,
please guide me How to use Google keyword planner.


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Google themselves seem to provide plenty of advice on the subject.

Is there something in particular that you don’t understand? There’s not much point in us simply repeating the advice given by Google, but if there’s a specific question they haven’t answered, please ask and we’ll do our best.


Truly? I would never imagined… I mean, I don’t think that it would ever occur to me to visit the site of the company that made the product to find help and information about it… such an innovative idea! :stuck_out_tongue:

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  1. Use Google search “Google Keyword Planner”
  2. Signup for Adwords account
  3. Search for both the short and long tail keywords
  4. Select 10-15 terms which describe product
  5. Select keyword
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The OP has never returned to elaborate on their question, and there is little point in us repeating basic information readily available elsewhere.

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