How to use ROUND () in a statment

I have a statement (below) that gives me a column (price) that shows decimal place of … I would like to round the result to 2 decimal place. But I can not seem to get it to work. Tried everthing I could find about the ROUND () function.

What is the best way to get this result?

Where in this statement would I put ROUND (,2)?

SELECT	inventory.sku
,    	inventory.description_short
,    	inventory.full_price * .12 + inventory.full_price * 7.69 AS 'price' 

FROM   inventory 
 JOIN inventory_history
    ON inventory.sku = inventory_history.sku
WHERE inventory_history.store_id = 4
ORDER BY inventory.sku ASC

that’s a very odd select math you’re doing there, but

ROUND(inventory.full_price * .12 + inventory.full_price * 7.69,2) AS ‘price’

ROUND(inventory.full_price * 7.81 , 2) AS price


:tdown: What’s with the round-about answers…? :wink: :wink:

Thanks Rudy

You just hit on something, .12 being tax, and 7.69 being exchange rate. In the end I will need to go to a different table to get them…
