How to validate radio buttons


I can’t validate the radio button, each time i fill the captcha and hit the submit button the message is send. I try to validate the radio button so each time i hit the submit button to get the error like below.

$submission_status = '<div class="info" align="left">Please select gender </div>';

Could somebody explain me how to fix that ?



if(isset($_POST["submitted"]) && $_POST["submitted"] == 1)
	$to_email          = ""; 

	$security_code     = trim(strip_tags($_POST['captcha_code']));
	$gender = "";
   if (isset($_POST['group1'])) {
            $gender = $_POST['group1'];
        } else {
            $submission_status = '<div class="info" align="left">Please select gender </div>';
		$submission_status = '<div class="info" align="left">Sorry, there is no session</div>';
		if(empty($_SESSION['captcha_code']) || strcasecmp($_SESSION['captcha_code'], $_POST['captcha_code']) != 0)
			$submission_status = '<div class="info" align="left">Sorry, the security code you provided was incorrect, try again.</div>';
			$mailer_delivers_greatly = @mail($to_email, $gender, $headers);
			if ($mailer_delivers_greatly) 
				//Displays the success message when email message is sent
				  $submission_status = "<div class='alert alert-success'>Success</div>";
				 //Displays an error message when email sending fails
				  $submission_status = "<div align='left' class='info'>Error</div>";


And the radio buttons i want to validate

<form method="post" action="test_mail.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    <input type="radio" name="group1" value="Male" />Male

   <input type="radio" name="group1" value="Female" />Female

<input type="hidden" id="submitted" name="submitted" value="1">
<input type="submit" class=" btn btn-sm btn-success"  value="Submit">

Thanks in advance !

You could set a variable “flag” to true, then as you check each post field, if “bad”, set that “flag” to false. Then wrap the email section in the “flag” being true condition.


if(isset($_POST['submitted']) && $_POST['submitted'] == 1)

    $to_email          = ""; 
    $headers = "From: \"Site Name\" <>\r\n";
    $security_code     = trim(strip_tags($_POST['captcha_code']));
    $gender = "";
    //Set flag to true
    $good =  true;
    if (isset($_POST['group1'])) {
        $gender = $_POST['group1'];
    } else {
        $submission_status = '<div class="info" align="left">Please select gender </div>';
        $good = false;
        $submission_status = '<div class="info" align="left">Sorry, there is no session</div>';
        $good = false;
        if(empty($_SESSION['captcha_code']) || strcasecmp($_SESSION['captcha_code'], $_POST['captcha_code']) != 0)
            $submission_status = '<div class="info" align="left">Sorry, the security code you provided was incorrect, try again.</div>';
            $good = false;
        $mailer_delivers_greatly = mail($to_email, $gender, $headers);
        if ($mailer_delivers_greatly) 
            //Displays the success message when email message is sent
            $submission_status = "<div class='alert alert-success'>Success</div>";
            //Displays an error message when email sending fails
            $submission_status = "<div align='left' class='info'>Error</div>";
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You can try to check if it is empty

         $group1=(empty($_POST['group1'])) ? "Please select gender": $_POST['group1'];

Hope this helps.

For security I would also check that the value is either “Male” or “Female” before assigning it to $group1

It’s better to check with isset() for radio buttons as they may or may not BE SET.

[quote=“Mittineague, post:4, topic:110900”]
For security I would also check that the value is either “Male” or “Female” before assigning it to $group1
[/quote]I totally agree that wherever possible compare post to the expected value especially if inserting to a DB. This is for emailing (at least thus far) but learning to validate user input is a very important aspect of coding.

This is a very simple example, but if you were to make an array of expected values (at the top of the page)…

$genders = array("Male","Female");

You could then use this array to build your radio button selections…

foreach($genders as $gender):
    <input type="radio" name="group1" value="<?php echo $gender;?>" /><?php echo $gender;?>

Then on processing, you can then check if posted value is in_array so only expected values will pass.

if (isset($_POST['group1']) && in_array($_POST['group1'],$genders)) {
    $gender = trim($_POST['group1']);
    $submission_status = '<div class="info" align="left">Please select gender </div>';
    $good = false;

Anyway, “code” for thought.

Thank allot Drummin, it works great !

But know i got the problem like the value, i just figure it out you can manipulate the value and send what ever you want !

EDIT: I tried to do what Mittineague said but i can’t make it work

As far as checking the values, add the $genders array like I mentioned and do the in_array check.

I get this error,

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in … on line 284
Wich is

<?php foreach($genders as $gender):?>

Thanks allot for your help.

What I meant was to add the genders array at the top of your page.

$genders = array("Male","Female");

Then update the group1 processing condition like so

if (isset($_POST['group1']) && in_array($_POST['group1'],$genders)) {
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Thanks it works.

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