How to write a killer Blog Post?

Timing is very important. I look for subjects that make sense to my readership during the evening, and come up with a twist on them. Next Morning I write it, publish it, and market it to catch the the wave of interestm before my readers move on to something else.

I would say that you should never forget that you’ve writing for people, not for spiders and bots. I personally find posts with lot of repeating keywords and 5x more text than needed annoying. Not to mention pop-ups, fixed “share” buttons and stuff like that - if people like your content, they don’t need any of that.

So the best blog posts are informative, fun and straight-forward, with some graphs / images and without under-appreciating people’s iq and over-doing it for bots.

For you to have a great blog post, think of the best topic that you are well informed with and comfortable with, and read some other contents that can sprinkle your article with more interesting information’s. Image’s are also one of the thing that makes me attract to read, maybe you should also consider making a logically related photo for your SEO Blog post.

Yes you have to have good knowledge on the topic that you will write for your readers. And then a catchy headline is must to grab readers attention. Meanwhile keep researching on good blogging sites also good and great bloggers to see how they write, what method they follow.

One important thing is you have to keep practicing and writing. Good luck.

Aside from attractive heading and interesting content in a blog post, one of the most important to me is the unique touch of the blogger to produce one-of-a-kind quality content that will bring regular visitors to the blog site.

A killer blog post always starts with the most creative headline along with the topic of it.

Create actionable content that your readers can easily follow and implement on their own.

To be honest with you, long list posts are usually killer blog posts.

  • Samuel