Html include not working

no problem. I will try it out as well as the .shtml solution out! and report back!

No, that’s not “just normal HTML” – it’s called SHTML, hence the ‘need’ for a SHTML extension or a htaccess/config file change to make it work…

I’d be a little surprised that Kohoutek hadn’t heard of it, if not for it being an Apache specific feature that nobody seems to actually use anymore; especially since a lot of hosting providers no longer enable the Apache module to support it, and most any server side language is significantly more capable. Was all the rage a decade ago.

The APPROPRIATE changes to your htaccess to enable SHTML being:

AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .html
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes

Which will turn it on in both .html and .shtml files.

The relevant documentation for it.

Oh, NOT that you should be using it to include CSS in STYLE tags, since that defeats the point of an external stylesheet and adds it together SERVER side instead of client side, and skips right over the use of MEDIA targets.

That’s LINK’s job.