I am trying to parse an XML document, stuck on how to get child nodes into an array

Hi Site pointers,

I am try to parse an XML file.

The XML describes properties for sale. I am not sure how to access the images:

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

My code below successfully extracts the property details, but not the images.

//property Sales Espana

$xml_link = "http://www.xml2u.com/Xml/Property%20Salespana_735/1335_Default.xml";

//echo $xml_link;

$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_link);

// get agent id
foreach ($xml->Clients->Client->properties->Property as $Property) {
$propertyid = $Property->propertyid;
$location = $Property->Address->location;
$street = $Property->Address->street;
$region = $Property->Address->region;
$country = $Property->Address->country;
$currency = $Property->Price->currency;
$price = $Property->Price->price;
$status = $Property->Price->status;
$propertyType = $Property->Description->propertyType;
$bedrooms = $Property->Description->bedrooms;
$fullBathrooms = $Property->Description->fullBathrooms;
$title = $Property->Description->title;
$description = $Property->Description->description;
$floorSize = $Property->Description->FloorSize->floorSize;
$floorSizeUnits = $Property->Description->FloorSize->floorSizeUnits;
$plotSize = $Property->Description->PlotSize->plotSize;
$plotSizeUnits = $Property->Description->PlotSize->plotSizeUnits;
$Feature1 = $Property->Description->Features->Feature1;
$Feature2 = $Property->Description->Features->Feature2;
$Feature3 = $Property->Description->Features->Feature3;
$Feature4 = $Property->Description->Features->Feature4;
$link = $Property->link->dataSource;

	foreach($Property->images as $images) {
		$image = $images-> image;
//$plotSizeUnits= $Features->PlotSize->plotSizeUnits;
	$output = $output.$propertyid.'<br />'.
	$location.'<br />'.
	$street.'<br />'.
	$region.'<br />'.
	$currency.'<br />'.
	$price.'<br />'.
	$status.'<br />'.
	$propertyType.'<br />'.
	$bedrooms .'<br />'.
	$fullBathrooms.'<br />'.
	$title.'<br />'.
	$description.'<br />'.
	$floorSize.'<br />'.
	$floorSizeUnits.'<br />'.
	$plotSize.'<br />'.
	$plotSizeUnits.'<br />'.
	$Feature1 .'<br />'.
	$Feature2.'<br />'.
	$Feature3.'<br />'.
	$Feature4.'<br />'.
	$link.'<br />'.
	$image.'<br />'


The images XML is like:

 <image number="1">
 <image number="2">

Because of this, you want to foreach over $Property->images->image (the image elements with number attributes).

foreach($Property->images->image as $images) {

Thanks dude.