I cannot run my PHP scripts sample / edit/update not working

Hello I need help to my script I’m just new in php and I cannot run my edit/update link. I’m almost finish in my script but the problem is when I try to click the submit button from the edit page its not getting the newly edited information. Please help.

If you are POSTing the data to the next page (the “form handler”) you can use this to look at what is being passed.


echo '<hr />';

You should turn on error reporting when you are developing as well.

If you cannot find out how to do that then search this forum for error_reporting and you will find discussions and advice.

could you place the code where you want to display the edited information

You can get detailed report with this code, it echo’s full var info, and array elements:

echo 'Vardump info:<br/>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<br/><br/>Array elements:';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';