I cant seem to get the foreach statment to work

i am try to wright some code the code wrights to the data base ok but only one entry shows up i cant seem to get the foreach statment to work it dont loop here is my code
thank you



echo "starting";

//mysql connection
$con2 = mysql_connect("localhost","user","pass");
if (!$con2)  {  
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());  

$selectdb = mysql_select_db("database", $con2);
if (!$selectdb)  { 
die('Database not used: ; ' . mysql_error());  

echo "connected to DB<br /><br />";

//simplexml load xml file 

$xml = simplexml_load_file('myproduct.xml');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM products WHERE 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM categories_description WHERE 1');
mysql_query('DELETE FROM products_to_categories WHERE 1');
foreach($xml->CREATED->CATEGORY->PRODUCT as $product);

foreach($xml->xpath('//PRODUCT/@ITEM') as $productitemid);

foreach($xml->CREATED->CATEGORY as $categories);

foreach($xml->xpath('//CATEGORY/@id') as $id);

foreach($xml->xpath('//CATEGORY/@name') as $name);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO products (products_model,products_id) VALUES ('$product->MODEL','$productitemid')");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO products_to_categories (products_id,categories_id) VALUES ('$productitemid','$id')");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO categories (categories_id) VALUES ('$id')");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO categories_description (categories_id,categories_name) VALUES ('$id','$name')");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO categories_description (categories_name) VALUES ('$name')");

//echo "$categories\
<br /><br />";

 // or die(mysql_error());

 echo "inserted into mysql<br /><br />";

//show updated records            
printf ("Records inserted: %d\
", mysql_affected_rows());

//close connection


foreach is a construct:

foreach ($array AS $value) {

  // your code goes here
  // it will be executed for each array element


i have put in code like you now i get all the right products_id but all the products_model are the same number

foreach($xml->xpath(‘//PRODUCT/@ITEM’) as $productitemid){
foreach($xml->CREATED->CATEGORY->PRODUCT as $product)

mysql_query(“INSERT INTO products (products_id,products_model) VALUES (‘$productitemid’,‘$product->MODEL’)”);


foreach($xml->xpath('//PRODUCT/@ITEM') as $productitemid){

foreach($xml->CREATED->CATEGORY->PRODUCT as $product)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO products (products_id,products_model) 
VALUES ('$productitemid','$product->MODEL')");


You still have a bad foreach inside a good foreach.

can you tell me how to fix it
thanh you

Same as before!

foreach($xml->xpath('//PRODUCT/@ITEM') as $productitemid){

    foreach($xml->CREATED->CATEGORY->PRODUCT as $product) {

        mysql_query("INSERT INTO products (products_id,products_model)
        VALUES ('$productitemid','$product->MODEL')")



But, are you sure you need to nest two foreach()? To know that I would have to know the structure of the array or arrays you are working with.

If they don’t need to be nested, this might work

foreach($xml->xpath('//PRODUCT/@ITEM') as $productitemid){

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO products (products_id,products_model)
    VALUES ('$productitemid','$xml->CREATED->CATEGORY->PRODUCT')")


Or you might need

foreach($xml->xpath('//PRODUCT/@ITEM') as $key=>$productitemid){

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO products (products_id,products_model)
    VALUES ('$productitemid',


It depend on how the array()s are organized.

try them know luck
this is the xml

<CREATED value="Fri Feb 22 1:01:02 GMT 2013">
<CATEGORY id="442" name=" > test">
<PRODUCT ITEM="12796">

Sorry, I don’t know how to work with XML.