I don't know anything about computer world

This makes it look like the W3C and w3schools are somehow related… just to remember everyone… they’re not! And I’m afraid that the w3schools is not what it used to be long, long time ago…

hi friend if you want know about computer world first you need to go though some computer basic i should suggest fundamental of computer by pk sinha and slowly move to the programming world that how you will get to know about computer technology…

this thread is old and the OP seemed to be satisfied with the answers provided so I’m closing the thread :slight_smile:

I was the same but not after learning here at this forum. So I thought it would be quick and good isea to offer quick guidance to newbie and persons having less computer familiarity. So if you are facign anyone of the issues feel free to discuss here in detail to get answers to yourtech-worries.

  1. Does not know how to use computer
  2. Which computer is good for me
  3. How can i learn making web sites
  4. What is SEO
  5. What is online marketing
  6. What is socia media

Happy technology