I dont understand this PDO error

I have a clecklogin script (using PDO)
When I login tp


$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

$Email = $_POST['email']; 
$Password = $_POST['password']; 
    $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);     
    try { 
	$sql =  "SELECT `id`,`type_id`,`name` FROM `members` WHERE `email` = :email AND `password` = :password AND `display` = 1";

	$STM = $dbh->prepare($sql);
	$STM->bindParam(":email", $Email);
	$STM->bindParam(":password", $Password);
	$count = $STM->rowCount();
	$row  = $STM -> fetch();
	  if(($count==1) && ($row['type_id'] == 0))

		  header( "location: admin/");
	  else if (($count==1) && ($row['type_id'] == 1))
		  if ("http://localhost/masterasp/reviews.php" === $referrer) {
			  header( "location: 	reviews.php");
		  } else if ("http://localhost/masterasp/providers.php" === $referrer) {
			  header( "location: 	providers.php");
	  header("location: index.php");
    } catch (PDOException $e) {     
        //Only use line below during testing your query 
        echo "Database error: ".$e->getMessage(); 

$dbh = null;

using good credentials, all I get no redirection, just

SQL: [111] SELECT `id`,`type_id`,`name` FROM `members` WHERE `email` = :email AND `password` = :password AND `display` = 1 Params: 2 Key: Name: [6] :email paramno=-1 name=[6] ":email" is_param=1 param_type=2 Key: Name: [9] :password paramno=-1 name=[9] ":password" is_param=1 param_type=2

What does that even mean?

I’m guesing what you got came from here. Keep in mind that Header commands only work if there is NO output before that point. Dumping variables would be output.

bu5t, if I comment that out, nothing happens (I dont get redirected)

If I look at the source of the blank page, I get 2 blank lines.
Where are they coming from?

So, it’s time to go back to basics.

  if(($count==1) && ($row['type_id'] == 0))
              echo "Admin IF";

	  header( "location: admin/");
  else if (($count==1) && ($row['type_id'] == 1))
              echo "Non-Admin IF";
	  if ("http://localhost/masterasp/reviews.php" === $referrer) {
              echo "Reviews IF";
		  header( "location: 	reviews.php");
	  } else if ("http://localhost/masterasp/providers.php" === $referrer) {
              echo "Providers IF";
		  header( "location: 	providers.php");
              echo "Garbage Zone";
              echo "OuterElse";
  header("location: index.php");

Where does your code go? Time to find out which path is getting filtered to. (My money’s on the garbage zone)

this is the result
Non-Admin IFGarbage Zone

Ding ding ding. A winrar is me.

So it went into the Non-Admin IF, and then did NOT match either of your cllauses. I pointed out in your previous thread that you have no ELSE on the end of that if block.

You might want to echo "Referrer: ".$referrer.“moo” to see what Referrer contains (remember when you were cautioned never to rely on HTTP_REFERRER? :wink:

Oh, Thanks for the help, you were right, I got confused and didn’t include if the user tried to login from elsewhere

Nesting IF’s can do that to the best of us :wink:

My browser sends NO HTTP_REFERER

But if I wanted to, I could change the value sent to anything I wanted it to be.

Not that you should never use it, just never rely on it.

so I need to set a session variable, thats the better way?

I set the session variable on each of those pages?

Well, IMO the better way is either:
1: not seperate the login processing from the page it’s entered on.
2: pass the return page as a form variable. (Note: Unless said page name is ultrasensitive… which… it doesnt seem to be in your case.)

ok, ill so that.
