I need a suggestion. What CMS would be best for a web site for posting resumes?

I need a suggestion. What CMS would be best for a web site for posting resumes? I am thinking of a sort of Forum but also each user can post a resume and the resume would be the center piece of the web site.

For that, I’d say Drupal.

You could use the Profile 2 module, which would allow you to add a bunch of custom fields to a user’s standard profile (like skills or employment history).

So now you’d have the user’s public profile page that would serve as his/her resume. Or you could just download the eRecruiter installation, but that would almost be like cheating.

To create a forum, you’d just enable the forum module, and to add any other “community” functionality, you could install organic groups.

I’ll suggest you for durpal or joomla will be better.

Yeah, I’d to it with Drupal. Regarding the forum part, is the forum to discuss the resume postings or just to discuss other things? If it’s to foster discussion around the resume’s, you could create a content type called resume and turn commenting on for it. There are lots of approaches to handle this.

i want to suggest you that wordpress is easy to handle and easy to maintain, if anyone ask me to create cms then i prefer Wordpress.

Drupal sounds great. It seems like you use it and know a lot about it. Is the eRecruiter installation another plub in for Drupal?

I think the forum section would be seperate from the resume part. But maybe not. Thanks for your suggestion.