I need help to find out why there's a blank part in responsive design

Hi guys,

I need your help to figure out why there’s an extend part to the right when firing a JavaScript function.

In my responsive design of max-width 360px, there nothing wrong on the landing page. But when I clicking on a button to fire a JavaScript function the horizontal scroll bar extend to the right and there’s a blank space on that side.

I use right click and Inspect element but can’t find that extended part. So how do I find it?

Sorry for not providing the link, it’s a member logged-in area.

Thank you,

Hi, ketting00.

I’m sure that you know that there is very little we can do to diagnose a problem without access to code.

If you can set up a test account, we should be able to help.

Tell us also what device or browsers demonstrate the problem.

Please click the link at the bottom of my post if you need suggestions for ways to give us code that demonstrates the problem.


Well, it turn out this trick does the job:


That’s basically a “sweep it under the carpet” solution. :slight_smile: It would be better to address the real problem. It seems an element is created or revealed by JS that is far too wide for the mobile layout and needs to be resized.