If browser understands retina media query is background-size support guaranteed?

If a mobile (phone/tablet) device’s browser is smart enough to understand retina media queries (due to it being an actual retina screen) is background-size support automatic and guaranteed? All this time I’ve been assuming that’s the case, but perhaps I’m wrong?


Here’s a handy reference: http://caniuse.com/background-img-opts

There are issues with the ‘cover’ value in ios and android.

So if I just used explicit pixel sizes, such as the following, I’d be fine?

.icon {
  -webkit-background-size: 48px 48px;
          background-size: 48px 48px;

By the way, since we’re on the topic of media queries and background-size, the caniuse chart says that IE6-8 doesn’t support background-size. I know those browsers also don’t support media queries. So, is it safe to assume that any browser that supports media queries is guaranteed to support background-size as long as pixel are used for the dimensions?


That’s what I would have assumed to be true also. It’s the ‘cover’ value that is the main problem.

By the way, since we’re on the topic of media queries and background-size, the caniuse chart says that IE6-8 doesn’t support background-size. I know those browsers also don’t support media queries. So, is it safe to assume that any browser that supports media queries is guaranteed to support background-size as long as pixel are used for the dimensions?

I don’t think its explicitly safe to assume that as some older android/webkit will support media queries but not perhaps background-size. It doesn’t really matter anyway as you can specify background-size on a separate rule and browsers that don’t understand it will simply ignore it. You don’t really need to hide it from them but just let them have the fallback of the normal background image.

Thanks Paul O’B and ralph.m for your help. This clears it up for me.