If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

A few weeks ago on my blog (in sig), I posted the following question:

If you could have any superpower in the world (and only one), what would it be and why?

Mine was immortality, since I thought many other superpowers such as time travel would eventually be created via technology. I’m in the process of thinking up a new one, as someone pointed out to me “if anyone ever found out your superpower they’d probably just bury you alive” … I can’t sit still for 10 minutes, so how much would that suck!

What would yours be? :smiley:

It’s a weird one but came from a dream…

The ability to swap bodies with anyone at any time. I had a dream where I had this power and could use it by looking at photographs, concentrating on who I wanted to be, and I’d take their spot in whatever scene I was looking at in the photo. Time travel and body swap. You could experience anything anyone ever experienced in a photo by taking their place for however long you want. The possibilities would be pretty infinite with Google Images!

Oooh … that’s much better than just body swapping. Every time I hear someone talk about body swapping I think about Big and that Lily Tomlin / Steve Martin movie (All of Me?). But having control over it, along with time, would be cool.

Would you have to know who you’d want to swap with? I’d love to swap with someone in the future, but I don’t know anyone in the future yet! :lol:

I’m pretty keen on being able to teleport myself.

Well super strength I guess. Don’t you think it would be fun punching a brick wall down? :rofl:

Without a doubt - the ability to fly.

hmm :scratch: to have as many superpowers as i want :shifty:

I was considering immortality last night, then again it isn’t that great watching your family die… your children, your grandchildren, your grandgranchildren… I fell into consideration as I realized what knowledge there is to be learned, and how little time does a puny human has to do it. Being immortal would ensure you a possibility to do just that.

Without the immortality, a fast and high capacity memory would be great. And if you could connect it to your pc and upload the information, it would be a perfect solution. I still dream about this happening in the future.

Ability to fly is indeed a practical one. This one I used to try to learn as a kid, needless to say I failed. :lol:

In our information society that we are living in, I guess photographic memory.

Heart :smiley:

The ability to physically hit anyone connected to the internet. Really. That would rock.

jame4241: Yoz dudz omg I pwned you!
me: smack
jame4241: :`(

The ability to create, control, and manipulate liquid… or x-ray vision :S

To eliminate all bureaucrats from the face of the earth and make them live on a planet where they have to regulate each other – Hahaha – :weee:

‘The New Guy’ - that was too funny, I laughed hard after reading that.

I want the ability to control gravity. The possibilities you could do with that would be unimaginable.

Invisible all the way and the ability to turn human once your bored of being invisible which i doubt i will

i will go and watch naked ladies take shower


The ability to tie an IP address to a given person, making it so that no matter how or where they connected to the internet, their IP address would always be the same.

:lol: NewGuy, that was good.

Immortality or the ability to heal would be my pick.

I believe that will happen when internet law has a standard. You don’t buy a house or rent an apartment and have the ability to change your address. It’s “hardcoded” until you leave.

Same should apply to the Internet. It’s the only thing in the way between fraud and good business. But of course this is open for major debate as it’s too easy for Joe to go away for the weekend, leave you the keys to the apartment and have a huge party on Joe’s expense :slight_smile:

Even if net fingerprinting was in the light or some form of digital authentication that occured every few seconds while surfing (using your keyboard or mouse). This would require special keyboards and the formatting of the PC’s to change from USB old keyboard style into something completely different. At least something to bind your keyboard to a chip on your motherboard so you can’t just plug-in your own hacked keyboard to another PC.

Something will happen. But it might be awhile until you and I see it. :slight_smile: But it will happen.

MissLee - if you were immortal, wouldn’t you already have the ability to heal? I guess it would stink to be immortal but have all the health problems that go along with aging … you’d kind of be like that Gollum guy from Lord of the Rings