Iframe loading into parent

I don’t know if you can help but I am having difficulty in opening a link in an Iframe.

If I explain, I have four pages

Page 1 containing the Iframe

Page 2 containing a series of thumbnails that opens in Iframe on page 1

Page 3 is the larger image that opens in the Iframe on page 1 after clicking the thumbnail on page 2

Page 4 is a page with a linking menu that has a link to page 3

The task I am struggling with is to get the link on page 4 to open the larger image of page 3 in the Iframe on page 1.

Now I maybe doing something wrong but the code is opening page 2 in the Iframe on page 1

Below are the links to the pages in question

Page 1 Art for Sale - Bertram Enterprises

Page 2 Bertram Enterprises Collection_Ver2

Page 3 http://www.bertramenterprises.co.uk/artists/Collection_ver2/pages/Dutton ‘Reflections’.html

Page 4 Jenni Dutton - Bertram Enterprises link near bottom of page - Art for Sale

I hope you are able to help as I wish to use this on many more of the images.

Sorry but I don´t quite understand what you need, what is exactly what the link Art for Sale is supposed to do?

As I understand you have 4 pages, 1 has the iframe and 3 through 4 should open inside the iframe right?

1 through 3 are correct.

Page 4 has a link Art for Sale that does not work? I see it working on the site, or is it supposed to do something else?

By the way, if I may recommend you something about the arrows used to move around the images, I think they should all be at the same height and not move along with the height or width of the image, I think it is annoying, at least for me, if you are in a slide show you are focused in the image and not where the arrow went.

tlacaelelrl - Thanks for the reply and comments.

The problem is that when I click on the Art for Sale link on page 4 it is supposed to open a large image from the specific artists in the iframe what is happening is that it opens the full page of thumbnails in the iframe.

I agree with the arrows and it is something I am looking into.

When you click on that link it tries to open

Art for Sale - Bertram Enterprises

and I am able to see the image coming up then opens the thumbnails it seems like there is some sort of redirect mechanism inside that previously mentioned link that is firing on window load.

Also in the first page where you say you have the iframe, there is an iframe but on the left sidebar.

<div id="sidebar1">
<iframe width="100%" scrolling="auto" height="310 px" frameborder="0" src="http://www.bertramenterprises.co.uk/artists/Collection_ver2/pages/Dutton 'Reflections'.html">

So you should first think on placing the iframe somewhere else or the page will not look very good.

I really appreciate your help - sometimes a problem just drives you mad.

I have checked the four pages in question through all their code, sidebar1 does not exist on those four pages as far as I can see but purely on the home page.

I have looked through for any conflicting redirects and cannot find any, so am really frustrated.

Can you post the full source of these 2 pages

Art for Sale - Bertram Enterprises

Bertram Enterprises

Thanks for your help, below are the two pages of code as requested.

For Sale code

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        <p>Jenni  works in Somerset.  Trained as a painter at St Martins and Byam Shaw in London, Jenni*  moved on to make large wire and paper wrapped figures that developed  into &#8216;dresses&#8217;. <a class="maillink" href="Jenni_Dutton.html">> More</a></p>
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Dutton Reflections Code

<TITLE>Bertram Enterprises</TITLE>
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if (window == top) {
var url='window.location.replace("http://www.bertramenterprises.co.uk/for_sale.html?var1='+window.location.href+'")';

function ifExistsWrite(str){
	var re = new RegExp ('\\"', 'gi') ;
	var newstr = str.replace(re, '&quot;');
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ifExistsWrite("Jenni Dutton (b.1951) - Reflection, 2008<br>mixed media - 70 x 40 x 13 cm<br>Price: &pound;2,300<br><br>Jenni Dutton's sculptures explore body adornment, first seen with her concept dress sculptures (2000-2004). Extending the notion of body wrapping is this series of witty torsos collaged with shattered china and ephemera, that have proven to be as highly popular as they are unusual.");

This is the script that redirects you

if (window == top) {
var url='window.location.replace("http://www.bertramenterprises.co.uk/for_sale.html?var1='+window.location.href+'")';

Check what it says about window.location.replace

window location info

Then at Art for Sale - Bertram Enterprises you you process the URL with this url=delineate(text) and then you have a function that supposedly refreshes the frame

function refreshFrame() {

But you never make use of it, also what is sale because is not declared anywhere?

And what is the ID of the frame where you want to place the page?