Iframe question

Hi guys,

I have a rates section on one of my pages, and I figured the easiest way to do it was to use an iframe containing the source website.

Here’s the structure:

My Page Html:

<iframe src="/rates.html" scrolling="no" width="420" height="310"></iframe>



<body onload="window.scrollTo(280,1100)">

<iframe src ="http://www.mortgagegrp.com/site/bc/rates.asp" width="1000" height="3000" scrolling="no"></iframe>



Up until a few days ago it worked perfectly fine, but now all of the sudden when you go to the page, there is no frame - it just redirects you directly to the other site.

Any help appreciated.

(site is zamirkassam.com)


Nevermind, I guess the source site added some frame busting script recently…

Have a look at the Yahoo Pipes service (it’s free BTW). It was originally intended for the creation of RSS mashups but also has the ability to read the source code of website pages (robots.txt file permitting) and extract specific information then export using a variety of formats. With luck the webmaster of the target site may think the user agent string ‘Yahoo Pipe’ is actually a variation of the Yahoo search bot looking at thier site as it operates out of servers on an IP range known to belong to Yahoo.