Image Click


On my site:

I would like to prevent people from clicking the images and to prevent the lightbox showing up.

How do I do that?

Thank you!

Hi there,

Which images do you mean?
I couldn’t find any that opened in a lightbox.

I couldn’t see a lightbox either but the site never stopped loading for me so I gave up.

You will need to clarify what your aims are and provide a little more detail.

Are you saying that you don’t want the lightbox to show up when someone clicks an image?

Usually that would just mean removing the trigger class from the image in the html.

…and why would you want to stop the basic functionality of a script that is supposed to do exactly that…?!

Sorry for the late reply.

For example,

I do not want people to be able click on the first image and scroll to see another image in lightbox.

I am not sure how to do that.

Sorry for my bad English. I hope you understand what I mean.

Thank you very much.

Hi there,

Thanks for that.

So, how did you attach the lightbox functionality in the first place?
Are you using a plugin? It looks like a site.

You will have to remove the anchor tag from the image, ie the <a></a> tag to prevent it from being clickable.

And by lightbox, I gather you mean the effect shown when you take the mouse over the image. This has been done through the scripting and you will have to edit it in your script.