Image Rollover issue on SAFARI and CHROME

Hi, any idea please on how i am going to fix the issue that i am encountering in Safari and chrome?

I have a project that when you mouseover the thumb image, the bigger dimension of it will display. Please see this link so you can figure out.

However, i am encounteering an issue in safari and chrome. The rollover image only works fine in the first 5-7 image i guess. When you are at the bottom image, you can’t anymore see rollover image.

In Firefox and IE, i found no issue. It works fine.

Can you give me an advice please on how to make this work?

Thank you. I actually make it work now. :slight_smile: Thanks a lot

Yes - as long as you generate the parameters for the script dynamically as well.

The document has validation problems, which probably should be fixed first:

The validation error is now fixed.

That script is bugged due to dependency on flawed browser detection.
Try MagnifImage, which will get it right.

What if it is a dynamic images will it work? I will be using dynamic images.