Implementation of MicroData

Hello everyone,
I am working on a website that shows on the front page 8 small divs that are pretty much highlights of content on the page, so it basiclly just links to a certain page on the site.

Now today I read about the microdata and that searchengines have all got together with a certain set of standards, for telling search engines about what the content on the page actually is.

If someone with experience with this type of setting could check if this would be the correct way of using Microdata, I am gussing I am with this telling Google, Bing or Yahoo that - This is an article, I show were the article is located and I also say here is a description of that article.
Below is the code of one of the eight looped boxes.
The code in question has been marked with red color.
/thanks for any help

       <!-- Mini Boxes Starts-->
        	<div class="mini-box-header box1" [COLOR="Red"]itemscope itemtype=""[/COLOR]>
            	<div class="mini-box-content">
                	<h3><a href="#" title="Read the blog article Cats must be the cutest thing in the world written by Darling hump"[COLOR="Red"] itemprop="url"[/COLOR] >Cats must be the cutest thing in the world</a></h3>
                    <p[COLOR="Red"] itemprop="description"[/COLOR]>
                    I so love cats if I dont have a cat to pet for one minute I get so sad that I just wanna cry. buhu. I just love my cats so so so much .
                    There really is nothing better then cats CATS is the best animaals for petting and eating.
            <!-- Mini Boxes Ends-->

I can only point you to the Draft specs for you to check against…
these are in Draft, meaning they are neither complete nor stable (though some parts are indeed unlikely to change). Search engines, I can’t tell how conservative they are being with this. Some of them understand microformats (the hCard/vCard format) already as well.

Thanks for the extra documentation, read it all and it seems I did it correct. Or Atleast I hope so :smiley:

But now I am more confused about the itemtype atribute, as in the doc one can define the link pretty muct as one like.

Would this work just as well as?

<section itemscope [COLOR="Red"]itemtype=""[/COLOR]>
 <h1 itemprop="name">Hedral</h1>
 <p itemprop="desc">Hedral is a male american domestic
 shorthair, with a fluffy black fur with white paws and belly.</p>
 <img itemprop="img" src="hedral.jpeg" alt="" title="Hedral, age 18 months">

As this one?

<section itemscope [COLOR="Red"]itemtype="http://"[/COLOR]>
 <h1 itemprop="name">Hedral</h1>
 <p itemprop="desc">Hedral is a male american domestic
 shorthair, with a fluffy black fur with white paws and belly.</p>
 <img itemprop="img" src="hedral.jpeg" alt="" title="Hedral, age 18 months">

Or if I want Google,Bing, Yahoo to understand that the type is there predefined value of a Movie ,I have to write the item link like this http:// for reference?

Hm, I have no idea. I’ve only heard some kind of press release about Google etc “supporting Schema” which fits in with what Hixie (Ian Hixson) wants. I wonder if someone over in the Google-y forums knows. Those who keep up on what search engines are doing would know down to the minute what they’ll understand re semantics and what they don’t (yet).

I’m almost afraid to suggest you ask (in a whole new thread) here and give it maybe a week so the googly guys have a chance to see it and respond. Ignore the fluff and spam (well, report them first, then ignore them), and you may get a good answer on it.

Someone might show up here as well so keep yourself subscribed to this thread too.

thanks for your answers :slight_smile:
I let the SEO Boys have go at it.

If it makes you feel better, it seems Microdata confuzles Bruce Lawson too :slight_smile: