Implode array not functioning

As part of a project I’m building, I allow my users to “tag” their links with keywords. I take the input as a comma separated string from a text input, split the tags at the comments, trim the whitespace
and insert them into a tag table, which has an auto-incremented tagid #, and then placing the auto-incremented tagid back in the links table, (hopefully comma-seprated).
everything up to generating that comma separated string of tag id#s is working, my tags are being put in the table correctly, and I’m not getting duplicates, (which is what this whole mess is supposed to prevent)
What follows is my code that’s attempting to take those “tags” and get the “tagid” number associated with it, place it in an array, and then generate a comma delineated string that’s placed into the user_content table.

The error I’m getting is

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /var/www/public_html/testsite/submitlinks.php on line 47

foreach ($tagparts as $querytag) {
					$query2 = "SELECT tagid from $uTagTable where tag='$querytag'";
					$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
					while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
					$tagid = $row2['tagid'];
					echo "<p class=\\"error\\">tagid: $tagid</p>";
//--> this is line 47	        implode(",",$tagid);
					mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_links (tags) VALUES ('$tagid') WHERE url = '$link3'");

I should point out that I’ve added the echo statement, to make sure the correct data is being output from the $tagid = $row2[‘tagid’] and it is, I get a series of paragraphs with the correct tagid#s in them.
And, just for clarification, I’m not commenting out line 47 in my production code, just pointing out where my error is being “encountered”

As usually, happens, once I post, I do a little more digging, and I think I’m making progress. I realized part of my error was that I’m not actually creating an array with the first code I posted, so I modified it as follows.

		foreach ($tagparts as $querytag) {
					$query2 = "SELECT tagid from $uTagTable where tag='$querytag'";
					$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
					$tagarray = array();
					while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
					$tagid = $row2['tagid'];
					$tagarray[] = $tagid;
					foreach ($tagarray as $tagid2){
					echo "<p class=\\"error\\">tagid: $tagid</p>";
					echo "<p class=\\"error\\">tagid2: $tagid2</p>";
					echo "<p class=\\"error\\">tagstring: $tagstring</p>";					
					mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_links (tags) VALUES ('$tagstring') WHERE url = '$link3'");

As before, I’m still getting a complaint about my implode call, and obviously, there aren’t any tagid#s being inserted into my user_links table.

Have I understood your intent?

A user sends you tags in a string say, and a link.

$tags = “chocolate, sundae”;

$link = “”;

If your database is set up like this:

links table
id | link
23 |

tags table
id | tag
101 | strawberry
102 | sundae

link_tag table
link_ref | tag_ref
23 | 101
23 | 102

and after the submission I outlined above, do you expect to see this in your database?

links table
id | link
23 |
24 |  <- inserted a new link

tags table
id | tag
101 | strawberry
102 | sundae
103 | chocolate <- inserted a new tag

link_tag table
link_ref | tag_ref
23 | 101
23 | 102
24 | 102 <-recognised an existing tag and entered it, with new link_ref
24 | 103 <-added the new tags id and the the new link_ref

Is that where you are coming from?

Here is how my table is currently set up:

links table
id | link | tags
23 | |

tags table
id | tag
101 | strawberry
102 | sundae

and, after the submission, what I’d like to see is this

links table
id | link | tags
23 | | 101,103

tags table
id | tag
101 | strawberry
102 | sundae
103 | nuts

In this case, the user would have put “strawberry, nuts” as the tags relating to their link…

For the record, my code has grown since my original post, I can’t actually tell if I’m making any headway, but it looks like this:

$tagparts=explode(',', $tags);
		foreach($tagparts as $inserttag) {
                       // here, we split the tag string into its individual parts and remove whitespace
			$query1 = "SELECT tagid FROM $uTagTable WHERE tag=$inserttag";
			$result1 = mysql_query($query1);
			if (!$result1) {
                       // if there isn't already a tag by that exact name, we need to create a new record
				mysql_query("INSERT INTO $uTagTable (tag) values ('$inserttag')");
				$tagidquery = "SELECT tagid FROM $uTagTable WHERE tag = '$inserttag'";
                     // trying to generate an array of tagid#s from the tags we split up earlier
				$tagidresult = mysql_query($tagidquery);
				$tagrow = mysql_fetch_array($tagidresult);
				echo "<p class=\\"error\\">TagRow: $tagrow";
				$tagcolumn = array();
				echo "<p class=\\"error\\">TagColumn: $tagcolumn";
				while($tagrow = mysql_fetch_array($tagidresult)){
    			$tagcolumn[] = $tagrow[$key];
    			echo "<p class=\\"error\\">TagRow: $tagrow";
    			echo "<p class=\\"error\\">TagKey: $key";
				echo "<p class=\\"error\\">FinalTagColumn: $tagcolumn";
				$tagstring = implode(",", $tagcolumn);
				echo "<p class=\\"error\\">TagString: $tagstring";
				mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_links (url, urldesc, tags, subdate, urlprivate, userid) VALUES ('$link3', '$desc3', '$tagstring', '$subdate', '$private', '$userid')");

the echo statements are there to help with my debugging process, and I’ve included the “leading up to here” code as well.
Whats working:
Tags are being inserted into the user_tags table, urls are being inserted into the user_links table, but, no tag id#s are being inserted into the user_links table.

mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_links (url, urldesc, tags, subdate, urlprivate, userid) VALUES ('$link3', '$desc3', '$tagstring', '$subdate', '$private', '$userid')");

You say that query is not doing what you expect it to do.

So, is your PHP not assembling the string correctly, or is your mysql query badly formed?

Change that line slightly by adding another variable which contains your sql query.

$tag_insert = "INSERT INTO user_links (url, urldesc, tags, subdate, urlprivate, userid) VALUES ('$link3', '$desc3', '$tagstring', '$subdate', '$private', '$userid')";

What that means is that you can then optionally do:

// temp line of debug
echo $tag_insert;

onto the page, copy that output and then paste it directly into your database – that should then give you a clue in which direction to look for the cause of the problem.

The other way would be to go look at the last lines in your mysql log file.