Improve site speed


I need to improve the site speed of the website:

I tested it through, I have good score but the site speed needs to be improved.

I blame on the images size. Am I wrong or could it be improved elsewhere? Your advise is appreciated.

thank you!

Take a look at this topic, it may be applicable to your site.

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You have a lot of problems, just looking at your home page:

You are loading 36 javascripts! (1.5mb)

  • they are not all needed on the home page
  • only load the ones you need for that page
  • combine js into fewer files to reduce http requests

You are loading 14 CSS files! (0.99mb)

I would also look into your database calls, make sure they are structured correctly and you are using good sql practices.

If indeed it is your image sizes you can modify the images that load using PHP’s GD library.

Image size is also a important factor to speed up a site.if you really want to increase your ranking and speed then just try to findout the real problem behind the low speed.
There are lots of tools on the internet by useing them you can identify and calculate your problem.use cloud server for your images.after using cloud server you can reduce loading time of images.after then check your themes CSS that it is supporting your website or not.

@Soapmarine Most of the website speed decreasing problem , Because of the Quality Images . Optimize your website image as much possible . There is some websites on the internet , Which allow you to optimize your images without getting quality loss of your images .

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