In an iframe I load a url - is any way scale/zoom in/out web-page that appears....?

In an iframe I load a url - is any way scale/zoom in/out web-page that appears…?

Something like this?

I do not test yet but that i mean is even font size zoomed…inside iframe content, that is you say?

also in responsive page may a Tablet view, when iframe content scaled down, appear rather PC view due to this scale…?

I tested it but want responsiveness to be controlled by a param with fixed width eg if tablet width and scale to half appear desktop view…

Hi there lsepolis123,

does this example help…


untitled document html,body { display:table; width:100%; height:100%; margin:0; } body { display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; background-color:#f0f0f0; } iframe { display:block; width:80vw; height:80vh; border:1px solid #999; margin:auto; box-shadow:0.7vw 0.7vw 0.7vw #999; } [/code]


I think - not exactly
Is any way smaller or bigger the viewport content inside iframe scaled down or up respectively

In other words if have three iframes vertical positioned one below the other
and each show differ view of url…
PC - Tablet - Phone
/// this Not changes the responsive view per each iframe

When change viewport only content scaled inside iframes - may iframes dim change but still each iframe shows the same responsive view… like normal view…

you get it?

FIll out a URL. Is that the kind of behavior you are looking for?

yes but i want reproduce project - is any open source code do the same…?

I moved a post to a new topic: How to accomplish an effect found on cssdeck

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