Indeed JSON feed not working/displaying

I am trying to setup a perl script to read/display a JSON feed from Indeed. It works fine in a PHP script, but not this setup. I need to use Perl in this instance, and also using Text::FastTemplate. Any ideas? I am fairly new to Perl. Thanks.

use JSON qw( decode_json );
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::Simple;
use Text::FastTemplate;

$dir = "/templates/jobs";
$useragent = "$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}";
$userip = "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";
$url = "$userip&useragent=$useragent&v=2&format=json";
$jobs = get($url);
$data = decode_json($jobs);

foreach $job ($data->{'results'}->['result']) {
  $date     = $job->{'date'};
  $jobtitle = $job->{'jobtitle'};
  $joburl   = $job->{'url'};
  $company  = $job->{'company'};

  my (%data) = (
     'DATE'     => $date,
     'JOBTITLE' => $jobtitle,
     'JOBURL'   => $joburl,
     'COMPANY'  => $company

my $template  = new Text::FastTemplate(file=> 'test.tpl.html', path=> $dir);
print "Content-Type: text/html\
print $template->output( %data );

My other variation looks like this which does not work either…

use JSON qw( decode_json );
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::Simple;
use Text::FastTemplate;

$dir = "/templates/jobs";
$useragent = "$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}";
$userip = "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";
$url = "$userip&useragent=$useragent&v=2&format=json";
$jobs = get($url);
$data = decode_json($jobs);

foreach $job ($data->{'results'}->['result']) {
  $date     = $job->{'date'};
  $jobtitle = $job->{'jobtitle'};
  $joburl   = $job->{'url'};
  $company  = $job->{'company'};

  $jobz[$#jobz + 1]  = {
     'JOB'      => 1,
     'DATE'     => $date,
     'JOBTITLE' => $jobtitle,
     'JOBURL'   => $joburl,
     'COMPANY'  => $company

my $template  = new Text::FastTemplate(file=> 'test.tpl.html', path=> $dir);

my (%data) = (
   'JOBZ'  => $jobz

print "Content-Type: text/html\
print $template->output( %data );


#for ##JOBZ##
#if ##JOB##
       <td><a href="##JOBURL##">##JOBTITLE##</a></td>

Just a note that the below ‘works’, although it only displays the first record. print Dumper $data show all records fine,

use JSON qw( decode_json );
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::Simple;
use Text::FastTemplate;

$dir = "/templates/jobs";
$useragent = "$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}";
$userip = "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";
$url = "$userip&useragent=$useragent&v=2&format=json";
$jobs = get($url);
$data = decode_json($jobs);

foreach $job ($data->{'results'}->['result']) {
  $date     = $job->{'date'};
  $jobtitle = $job->{'jobtitle'};
  $joburl   = $job->{'url'};
  $company  = $job->{'company'};

my $template  = new Text::FastTemplate(file=> 'test.tpl.html', path=> $dir);

my (%data)  = (
   'DATE'     => $date,
   'JOBTITLE' => $jobtitle,
   'JOBURL'   => $joburl,
   'COMPANY'  => $company

print "Content-Type: text/html\
print $template->output( %data );

print Dumper $data shows results like this…

$VAR1 = {
          'location' => '',
          'query' => 'test',
          'version' => 2,
          'end' => 1,
          'dupefilter' => bless( do{\\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::backportPP::Boolean' ),
          'pageNumber' => 0,
          'highlight' => $VAR1->{'dupefilter'},
          'totalResults' => 68632,
          'results' => [
                           'date' => 'Fri, 15 Jun 2012 00:55:54 GMT',
                           'url' => '
                           'company' => 'Test & Measurement Fluke',
                           'jobtitle' => 'TEST ENGINEER I'
          'start' => 1
$VAR2 = '

print Dumper $data->{‘results’} show results like this…

$VAR1 = [
            'date' => 'Fri, 15 Jun 2012 00:55:54 GMT',
            'url' => '
            'company' => 'Test & Measurement Fluke',
            'jobtitle' => 'TEST ENGINEER I'
$VAR2 = '

Seems fine now, and is looping through all the results, and not just showing the first. I first moved the dynamic test.tpl.html code (deleting the #for and #if statements as well) into the foreach loop in the perl script itself using a ‘$job .=’ varname, then changed the foreach line to… foreach $job (@ {$data->{‘results’}}) {, and changed ‘my (%data)’ accordingly.

Now, just have to figure out how to properly shorten the long date string.

echo date("F, jS, Y", strtotime("2010-12-07 12:00:00"));

gives you … December, 7th, 2010 provides all the help for any format variations you may prefer.
but the basic trick is the strtotime string -to -time it takes the human readable time , converts to unix timestamp allowing it to be reformatted with the regular date command.

Just had a quick look at… any idea how much they pay?
I ask as I’m running something similiar over at