India Recruiters

Is it me … or is there a trend of indian recruiters… like wtf?

I get about 5-6 a day telling me they have a job for me calling me up… i can barely understand the guy, the phone lags because they’re obviously calling from India with really bad internet connection. Telling me they have a job for me that’s 1200 miles away…

Today I play along, send them my resume etc… guy calls me up tells me he has a job for me in NYC and i’m in Florida… I’m like ok whatever… My hourly rate is $65hrly at 40 hours a week, that’ll def make me go to new york for a web design job. then he tells me, its net 30. Net 30! So if i started August 1st… I won’t get paid till Oct 1! Is it me or does that sound scammish. I never had a recruiting agency tell me net 30. I get paid 2 weeks after i start the contract job.

Usually I get them trying to sell web services to me not get me a job, your lucky :stuck_out_tongue:

I was contacted by someone in India via email trying to get me to outsource the HTML/CSS/JS coding of websites. It was funny because all I did was place an ad on Craigslist in my local market to try to get a website gig so I could make a few bucks. They are very aggressive about hustling business.