Inputbox not working help debugging?

If I substitute ID with a real CLIENT_ID like ‘Smith’ it works but won’t work with the InputBox statement. Help am going mad :confused:


ID = InputBox(“Client ID?”)

strH = “Select CLIENT_ID from MATTER Where CLIENT_ID =‘ID’”

With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=connstring, Destination:=Worksheets(“Sheet4”).Range(“A2”), Sql:=strH)
End With

End Sub[/I]

if CLIENT_ID is a string

strH = “Select CLIENT_ID from MATTER Where CLIENT_ID ='” + ID + “'”


strH = “Select CLIENT_ID from MATTER Where CLIENT_ID ='” & ID & “'”

if CLIENT_ID is not a string

strH = “Select CLIENT_ID from MATTER Where CLIENT_ID =” + ID


strH = “Select CLIENT_ID from MATTER Where CLIENT_ID =” & ID

Ah this is the answer

if CLIENT_ID is a string

strH = “Select CLIENT_ID from MATTER Where CLIENT_ID ='” + ID + “'”


what property of InputBox you trying to access?