Insert rows, split by certain number


On our website i have installed a newsletter add-on.
All the emailadresses (3000) of the recepients are stored in a table called: jos_jnews_subscribers
The recepients are identified by a subscriber_id

There also a table called jos_jnews_listssubscribers.
In this table are the recepients that are “member” of a certain newsletter.
The newsletter id’s are stored in a column called list_id
To make a user member of a newsletter, I must connect the subscriber_id to a list_id

I have this query that dumps all the users of jos_jnews_subscribers, into jos_jnews_listssubscribers:

$connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die (mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>");

$sql = "INSERT INTO `jos_jnews_listssubscribers`

SELECT DISTINCT as list_id, as subsriber_id,
A.subscribe_date as subdate,
(0) as unsubdate,
(0) as unsubscribe,
A.params as params
FROM jos_jnews_subscribers A, jos_jnews_lists B
WHERE = '17'";

$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

I would like to have this query adapted, so i splits the rows into chuncks of, lets say, 100 rows.
So, the first hundred rows must become member of list_id 17,
The second hundred rows must become member of list_id 18 and so on.

Can this be done ?
Some advise or a kick into the right direction would be greatly appreciated !!

Thanks is advance,

a ~lot~ easier done with php code than with sql


Thank you for your reply !
So, your advise is to use php for this matter ?

Kind regards,