Inserting line breaks except inside table tags

$myVar='This text is the first line before the table tags.
This text is the second line before the table tags.
    <td class="borderLine">
      This text is the first line inside the table tags.
      This text is the second line inside the table tags.
        This text is in the second cell of the tagle tags.
   <tr class="className">
      This text is in the first cell of the second row.
      This text is in the second cell of the second row.
This text is the first line after the table tags.
This text is the second line after the table tags.';

I like to insert line breaks into $myVar per line.
The code below makes the result1 below.



This text is the first line before the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
This text is the second line before the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
<table>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
  <tr>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
    <td class="borderLine">[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
      This text is the first line inside the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
      This text is the second line inside the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
    </td>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
     <td>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
        This text is in the second cell of the tagle tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
     </td> [COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
  </tr>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
  <tr class="className">[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
    <td><br />
      This text is in the first cell of the second row. [COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
    </td>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
    <td>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
      This text is in the second cell of the second row. [COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
    </td>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
  </tr>[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
</table>[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
This text is the first line after the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
This text is the second line after the table tags.

The <br />s in blue are okay, but the <br />s in red produce problems in the result1 above.

The code below makes the result2 below.

$myVar2=str_replace('<table><br />','<table>',$myVar1);
$myVar2=str_replace('</table><br />','</table>',$myVar2);
$myVar2=str_replace('<tr><br />','<tr>',$myVar2);
$myVar2=str_replace('</tr><br />','</tr>',$myVar2);
$myVar2=str_replace('<td><br />','<td>',$myVar2);
$myVar2=str_replace('</td><br />','</td>',$myVar2);


This text is the first line before the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
This text is the second line before the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
    <td class="borderLine">[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
      This text is the first line inside the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
      This text is the second line inside the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
        This text is in the second cell of the tagle tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
  <tr class="className">[COLOR="#FF0000"]<br />[/COLOR]
      This text is in the first cell of the second row. [COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
      This text is in the second cell of the second row. [COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
</table>[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
This text is the first line after the table tags.[COLOR="#0000CD"]<br />[/COLOR]
This text is the second line after the table tags.

Now I have two problem making <br /> in red.
They are not removed by str_replace() because they have class.
Since the class name is varied I can’t use str_replace() for the all class names.

How can I remove the <br />s inside the table tags?

There is no colspan, rowspan or style inside the <tr> or <td> tag.
There are just a variety of class names.

I can’t use the following code because there might be other tag outside of the table tag. for example <span class=“borderLine”>span text</span>.

$myVar3=str_replace('[COLOR="#FF0000"]"><br />[/COLOR]','[COLOR="#FF0000"]">[/COLOR]',$myVar2);


Is it true that you only want a <br /> to be entered when a newline character is preceded by a dot (.) ?

Or is that mere coincidence because of the way you structured your example?

This text is the second line before the table tags.<br />
    <td class="borderLine">
      This text is the first line inside the table tags.<br />
      This text is the second line inside the table tags.<br />
... and so on