Instant graphics video


Is there anyway to obtain an instantly displayed short video (Without a page reload or the few second start that an embedded video tends to take). I wish a little 15 sc help video to appear when the users asks for it, or presses relevant buttons

Thank you in advance for any help.


The ‘fastest’ way will be to use the HTML5 <video> tag, as this is native to the browser and doesn’t rely on any plugins.
For added speed you can use the preload attribute to download the video in the background as soon as the page loads, even if it hasn’t started playing.
You will also want to use a tool such as handbrake to ensure that the file size is as small as possible whilst still maintaining an acceptable quality.
The obvious downside to all of this is the lack of support in older browsers. If you have to support older browsers, I don’t see any other option other than a plugin.