Integrate wp within website

I am completely new to all this. i have domain and web hosting. i wanna make a simple web site with header having options home-about-blog-work-contact. i have gone through various forums and got to know that i can make website with some software. now what to do if i want to use wordpress under blog section in website, the third option in header. someone told me to install wordpress in subdirectory. remember that i will make website with the help of website builder and wanna run my blog in wp. is there is any way to do that, means when someone click on blog link he will see my wp blog.or i have to use wp theme to make a business website. you can see for reference, sorry for mentioning any website which i came to know while going through forums, this site has wp blog the way i want.
sorry for long question but please keep your reply very easy as i am not that much into programming however i can do a little bit if told.

Firstly, please don’t post the same question in multiple forums. Very bad etiquette. :wink:

To your question, yes, you can just have a link in your menu to Blog, and then place all of the WordPress files in a directory called /blog/ on your site. You can style the WordPress section to look exactly like the rest of your site. It takes some coding knowledge, though. How much do you know about HTML, CSS and PHP?

Just upload wp in a sub-folder and point your hompage URL blog to the sub-folder index page…