Internet celebrates 30th birthday

Date: January 1, 2013 - 5:13AM

It is the revolutionary communications system used daily by billions of users - but few know this January 1 is the internet’s 30th birthday.

The computer network officially began its technological revolution when it fully substituted previous networking systems on January 1, 1983.

Known as “flag day”, it was the first time the US Department of Defence-commissioned Arpanet network fully switched to use of the internet protocol suite (IPS) communications system.

Using data “packet-switching”, the new method of linking computers paved the way for the arrival of the World Wide Web.


I feel old now :lol:

What a excellent article from yours about Internet celebrates 30th birthday! I like this post very much also I am agree with your thinking about internet. Congrats for the 30 years of internet.

that is great!


and I turn 30 next week!

was only 30 years old, and our lives without the internet is difficult to imagine

Happy 30 years internet! My! I was already born when the internet all began. That should be a good thing, right? eheheheh… I hope for better innovations and updates in the online world.

Happy Internet celebration.

I am glad to know it as i did not have any idea about it. Internet is a great source of information so i hope it will long last…

Yeah that’s nice to see,
Happy birthday Internet :slight_smile:

Hmm. I bet Al Gore is proud. You know the first suggestion when you search google for Al Gore is “Al Gore Internet?” I actually looked it up, and, well, the claim is taken a bit out of consptext, but you never know…

Great. Internet is best.All peoples need it.

thanks to the internet. with out internet the life would be hell. internet makes the world…

It was a really interesting article that kicked of this thread, so thanks John_Betong. It looks like it’s run its course, though, so is now closed. :slight_smile: