Inventory Report

My database with the following table:
ITDetail Table:

InvTrans Table:

Currency Table:

Database Relationship:

I need to build a report with the time parameter (use the procedure) with the following requirements:

MaterialID, Art, Color, Width is taken from the table ITDetail
Period: 1 to 90 (days)
a. Quantity: with TypeID is ‘X’ is the OUT quantity (X001, X002, …), with TypeID is ‘N’ is the INT quantity (N021, N014, …)
A: Total quantity IN of 1 to 91 (days)
B: Total quantity OUT of 1 to 91 (days)
C: The quantity need to find

If: A≥B then C = A – B; If A<B then C = 0

b. Price:

USD: Price = Quantity * ExchangeRate (USD in InvTrans table)
VND: Price = Quantity * 1
3. Period: After 271 days

X: Time parameter
A: Total quantity IN of X to 271 (days)
B: Total quantity OUT of X to 271 (days)
C: The quantity need to find

If: A≥B then C = A – B; If A<B then C = 0

Appreciate your help! Thanks!

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