IPv6 For Non-IPv6 Hosting Providers

I have been testing a new service that takes v6 only clients to v4 only web services. Basically, if the web service allows for AAAA records, the product will provide an IPv6 address and bridge the v6 only clients to the v4 only website. Technical proof of concept is done, and we are looking for a niche market. We are thinking web developer consultant/contractors. We would like to build a partner/affiliate/reseller program that allows the partners to resell the v6-to-v4 services at a cost they can choose.

Does this sound like the right market for this type of product? Is this a product you would sell to your customers? Are there questions about the translation service that may better help to answer the first two questions?


You mean the service of tunneling IPv6 though IPv4 which is already part of Windows? Or the fact that there are no IPv6 only clients connected to the internet? Cause you know if they were IPv6 only they wouldn’t be usable on the internet at all (at this time). I haven’t even heard of any internet-based product that is exclusive to IPv6, especially when IPv4 is still dominate in all spheres consumer and or corporate. The product/service you are offering is actually quite useless.

I honestly would be concerned using your product, I am assuming it works like a proxy going thought YOUR servers. Untrusted server.

Thank you, very good feedback. The response is precisely what we are looking for. The security elements are especially what we are interested in. One of the main points of contention is that v6 only networks now front their out NAT-PT/NAT/DN64 services, so v6 only clients have their own proxy. The question that we are trying to answer is; is there a reason for IPv4 only hosted sites to want to subscribe to a proxy service?

Please let us know if you have more insight.
