Is bad teeth make bad self image?

How many of you have got bad teeth? (Broken, or have fillings, root canal treatments, etc)

Let’s discuss the bad teeth and the self esteem or the self image…

If you have bad teeth, will you be sad? Why? Why not?


I have irregular teeth
So I dare not laugh
It makes me so sad

Teeth matters in looks, especially for models and entertainers. But I’m more concerned in the way you eat with less teeth on your mouth. I don’t think you need to be obsessed over lost teeth.

I have lost some teeth. If I have money, I’ll get porcelain teeth to fill in the “gaps”.

My irregular arrangement of teeth , I have also sad, but there is no way .

Teeth should be healthy. It is not the end of the world if you have few cavities, but things can get way worse that just having ugly teeth. I have been through many dental procedures I probably have something to fixed at this very moment.

Self-esteem… I am a smoker so every now and then I go through teeth whitening procedures to have them looking good.

Healthy teeth well, my teeth less healthy , premature shedding, I have therefore inlaid the dentures.

My teeth are ok but I want to make them more brighter…

yeah i am having also bad teeth but not like that very bad teeth.I am not like to share my teeth picture.Some of the teeth is broken.But now i follow some dental procedures and also using herbal product tooth paste.

Hello Ananthapriya,
Its very better that you are using Herbal tooth paste atleast It has no side effects. You can also try one thing rub salt and baking soda on your teeth with soft fingers for 1 minute and then wash it off and then brush your teeth normally this tip is for brighter teeth…

Nothing like healthy teeth,… it definitely is a must. It is not necessary to have beautiful and perfect set of teeth but clean and healthy teeth very much has an impact on one’s image…

yeah to some extend… teeth can play a important role in impressive personality.

I have bad and broken teeth. I feel Very sad because I cant open my mouth and laugh

My wisdom tooth makes me feel anxious to talk to people when it starts to swell because it causes bad breath and toothache.

oh dear.You know teeth is very important for our face look.A bad teeth will create a bad look .so teeth is very important for a good looking face.

Broken teeth can mark a good impression if you’re a good hockey player or Mafia. We know how important shiny shiny teeth are it will make little sense reiterating the fact and its reasons.

I had a great smile that everybody says, But now i am uncomfortable to smile due to one incident happened for me. 2 years before i met accident in route bus by travelling. My front teeth has been broken and done a root canal treatment. Now that teeth became discolor (Pale yellow with mixed grey). Which is mismatch to next teeth. Doc told to wear a cap to that teeth to hide a discolor so that you have teeth like before. Now i am feeling comfortable. Feeling free to smile.:slight_smile:
Actually, Having bad teeth is not a problem to other. It is just like what we think.

Bad teeth never makes you laugh.

healthy and well teeth are require for good personality because of if we have bed and ugly teeth and pass a smile in public place that its hell imbressing moment so try to clean your teeth always

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