Is blogs are only to earn money?

First i started my blogs to earn money. Later i continue blogging for my pleasure. Blogging is a kind of addiction i guess :slight_smile:

Money is not the only thing. many people write blog only for pleasure while many write to express their feelings and help their readers

Blog are not the only way to earn money online. You try doing ads or designing websites. There are lot of great ideas to make money online.

Blogs are often used as an SEO tool. In a way I guess that’s about money since you’re doing SEO to promote a site which (probably) sells a product or service. But it’s not a direct blog-for-money scenario.

its all about money… i hardly find a blog without adsense

Not really, the main point of a blog was for your random thoughts, it’s great to network too

I make blogs because I love writing and I want my ideas to be heard :smiley: