Is Pagination Flawed or am I doing it Wrong?

As far as SEO is concerned it has always bothered me that using database pagination could be better and more exact.

Current Blog Table Schematic:
id = unique incremental article identity
title = article title
content = article content
date = article date

Suppose when there are numerous articles to view, the current way is to use pagination to display the latest sets of article titles in a numeric descending order until all the articles are listed.

Typical SEO submission of 100 Articles:
Pagination range from 1 to 10 inclusivie.

Page 1: has articles from 100 down to 91 inclusive
Page 2: has articles from 90 down to 81 inclusive
Page 3 has articles …
Page 10: has articles 10 down to 1 inclusive.

Problem arises when a new article is introduced:
New SEO of 101 Articles:
Pagination range from 1 to 11 inclusivie.

Page 1: has articles from 101 down to 92 inclusive
Page 2: has articles from 91 down to 82 inclusive
Page 3 has articles …
Page 10: has articles from 11 down to 2 inclusive
Page 11: has a single article id=1.

As you can see submitting just a single new article, a new eleventh page is introduced but all 11 SEO pages now have different article titles! The same problem arises if the articles are listed alphabetically or by date.

Proposed Solution:
Introduce a new database table field with a new calculate pagination order say field name iOrder.

Proposed Amended Table Schematic:
iOrder = calculated page article identity only set when new article added
id = unique incremental article identity
title = article title
content = article content
date = article date

This dynamic value is calculated using the following formula:

set iOrder = iMaxRec - id

where iMaxRec is the table record count total.
id=1, iOrder=100-1=99,
id=2, iOrder=100-2=98

id=100, iOrder=100-100=0

New Calculated SEO submission of 100 Articles using iOrder:
Pagination range from 1 to 10 inclusive and ordered on iOrder ASC

SEO page/10: has article ids from 100 down to 91 inclusive, iOrder 0… 9
SEO page/9: has article ids from 90 down to 81 inclusive, iOrder 10…19
SEO page/8: has article ids from 80 down to 71 inclusive, iOrder 20…29
SEO page/1: has article ids from 10 down to 1 inclusive, iOrder 91…99

Introducing a new article:
Essential to update iOrder with the new calculated value.

New Calculated SEO submission of 101 Articles using iOrder:
Pagination range from 1 to 11 inclusive and ordered on iOrder ASC

SEO page/11: has a single article id 101 and iOrder 0
SEO page/10: has article ids from 100 down to 91 inclusive, iOrder 1…10
SEO page/9: has article ids from 90 down to 81 inclusive, iOrder 11…20
SEO page/8: has article ids from 80 down to 71 inclusive, iOrder 21…30
SEO page/1: has article ids from 10 down to 1 inclusive, iOrder 91…100

New SEO Advantage:
This would ensure that SEO pages always contain the correct article title even when a new article is introduced.

Using the new schematic would reqire the iOrder to be re-calculated every time a new article is introduced.

Final Thoughts"
Is there an easier or better solution before I add the extra iOrder field and update the pagination script and is it worth the extra effort or is then an App for this :slight_smile:

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