Is :root a completely safe hack for IE8 and modeern browsers?

#home .column {
margin-right:5px; /* IE8 /
:root #home .column {
margin-right:8px; /
Modern */

Any browsers or situations that I or others have not thought of? To me it seems perfectly safe. Much like *html for IE6 was. Only difference here is order matters as your not just feeding a single browsers a rule - your overwriting the previous. Now I’m using this 3 times in my sheet. And I forsee a few more. So just double checking. If its not totally safe I’ll just do the class on the html for ie.

Honestly, I would use IE conditionals and put CSS code intended for IE in its own stylesheet, rather than rely on hacks that might break later.

Ya I don’t like hacks either. But honestly IE8 will never support :root. So I see nothing to ever break.