Is she spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

hmmmm…interesting :scratch:

I see her standing on her left leg with her right leg raised when she is spinning either anitclockwise or clockwise.

Well, if it is an illusion, I guess I just don’t like that I see both seemingly randomly.

That said, it’s pleasantly hypnotic and she’s pretty hawt for a silhouette!

She’s not spinning in either direction, it’s a flat silhouette it lacks the third dimension to be able to spin. :stuck_out_tongue:

My mind convinced that it has to spin seems to always pick up the clock-wise direction, then I look at the shadow and it switches directions every time.

Weird, so it means I use the right-side more, which means using more feeling? I’ll be damned. Anyway, I’m sure I use both sides enough otherwise I’m sure it’d show…

BTW, there was this thread 3 years ago, too bad I didn’t say what I saw first that time, would be interesting to see if anything has changed.

We all are using both sides.

So no, it only illustrates what side of the brain you’re using at the time. And how each side has a different function and how you can test it by changing your “mood”, your “state of mind”.

Yeah, but for some reason anytime I start watching it, I always see it spinning clock-wise, no matter how I try to imagine it turning the other way. I always have to look at the shadow first to see it change direction, and until I do, it’s spinning clock-wise. And when I see it spinning counter-clockwise, I just have to blink for it to switch again - not the case when it’s clock-wise.

Haha, that works too. Fun stuff.

I guess that is the mistake, if you’re trying to imagine you’re using the wrong side of the brain.

And yes, of course we’re all using both sides of the brain. Though, I’m sure some people prefer using one first over the other… or maybe not. If I think about it, I do tend to react emotionally first (even if I don’t show it) and it takes me a while to settle thoughts and react with reason. Like now, I’ve edited this post n times, posted another, then deleted it and added to this one, then edited it several times again. :rofl:

Interesting how the creator managed to get you all to say anti-clockwise instead of counter clockwise, lol. I saw it clockwise and no other possible way for about 20 seconds, and then all of a sudden it was the complete opposite, really think that image changed! :stuck_out_tongue:

Bah, now it does nothing again - I think all that math and thinking is more to do with the distraction. Seriously, all the silly fun aside and giving it a serious thought, I really don’t think there’s any scientific research behind this “test”. It’s just a simple optical illusion that can hardly have anything to do with brain sides. The article certainly doesn’t give any sources to back it up. Who’s created this test? How did they test which side of the brain works when? Where does the correlation between clockwise/counter-clockwise and brain sides come from?

Now the left brain side is working, yet the girl still turns clockwise :stuck_out_tongue:

Clockwise to start. If I make counter-clockwise motions with my finger, look away and look back I can make it spin the opposite direction.

Got a weird look from my wife, though :eek:

I dunno, the image changes when the direction of spin does. Red flag #1

The more I watch it, the more convinced I am that this is not an optical illusion. The only psychologically interesting thing is it has me questioning whether or not it is an optical illusion.

when I change the direction of spin as described below, the image remains the same for me.

It is an illusion, because the image has no depth it cannot “spin”. So any spinning effect is the illusion, let alone the direction.

I think she is moving both the directions.
