Is that good to add Disqus to my website?


I need your opinion and advice as soon as you can:

Is that good to add Disqus ( comment tools ) to my website ? or I keep my php script ?

My website is developed by Codeigniter framwork.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I hope to get your support soon, anyway, in the maintime, I will add Disqus on a test version :wink: till getting your advice, thanks !

It’s swings and roundabouts really!

If you want to maintain total control over comments then manage them locally, obviously you then have to deal with spam, moderation and the rest of it.

Disqus has advantages and disadvantages

  • commenters can login using several methods
  • it does a good job of weeding out spam
  • you have all the tools they provide, stats, moderation etc
  • easy to include or exclude for any entry/page
  • they have your data, so migrating back to a local system can be fiddly

Thank you bluedreamer, it is nice to get your feedback and read carefully your advice. In fact, my website is dedicated to let the visitors comments on a post, but I will show the more important comments, this is mean like facebook for example, the comment that gets more reply, in the top of the comments. Do you think that Disqus will be good for that ? or we are nat able to customize it at all ?

No problem :smile:
Disqus has a ton of useful features which I didn’t mention, threaded comments, and I think there’s the ability for people to bump threads up/ down, sorting options, sharing options and lots more.

I suggest you head over to their site and have a good read through the features!

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Finally a question that I have the experience to answer, yes! You should definitely use discus… I’ve used codeigniter and bonfire on top of it. Comments is a lot of work from scratch. Disqus is great!


Thanks to you both, I will use it as you said, I appreciate your support. regards !

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