Is there a better solution using Joins to this problem?

Okay here is the problem i experinced.

Create a stored procedure called Task36 to display the Product Name and the Category
Name of all products and categories where the CategoryID’s of the Products table and the
DepartmentID’s of the Category table match. (Hint: you are required to use a type of JOIN
to retrieve this output).

what i wrote when i was trying to figure it out was along the lines of:

SELECT ProductName,categoryname
From Products JOIN Category

Final result is.
ON Products.departmentID = Category.departmentID
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Task36]
SELECT Productname,CategoryName
FROM Products INNER JOIN Category
ON Products.CategoryID = Category.DepartmentID

With joins all we done was one basic exercise and i was thinking that for a join the field had to be in both areas while most people would see it as a simple thing i found it pretty frustrating , maybe you were thinking of more advanced joins.

While that may have technically solved the problem, whoever designed that database should be sent back to school to learn about naming conventions.

CategoryID implies that it is the FK (foreign key) which points to the PK (primary key) on the Category table. “Best Practices” (god, I hate that term!) implies that the name of the field on the Category table should be something like ID or even CategoryID. Definitely not DepartmentID, which implies it is the FK to the Department table primary key

Linking a FK on one table to what looks to be a FK on another table makes it nearly impossible for someone else to follow later to know how to join the tables without digging into the table structures. Ugh!

dave, such a rant!

it’s probably just a silly error

One would hope. :smile:

With that said, @ryfizzle, did you have a slight error in the bold above, should it be Category.CategoryID?

Yes i did in annoyed me quite alot , any particular reason why that might have happened?

Not based on the text from the OP (looks like some sort of bogus homework)

its actually part of a assignment @DaveMaxwell Dave the solution i have i submitted , lets see what my instructors say about it

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