Is there a bif difference between learning using videos or books?


As you know there are many websites that provide videos to learn programming. My question is: will learning programming from videos will be a good idea or should I learn from books instead?


Give both a try and see what suits you. :slight_smile:

Personally videos fit my fancy better than books, don’t get me wrong I’ve bought lots of eBooks over the years and do like them and what they offer but the visual experience with videos is a lot nicer.

IMHO, watching videos is a passive activity. That doesn’t mean videos are useless–they do have some learning value.

However, in the end, it’s always best to try things yourself. You can see how things work, step through the code, and alter code and see the results.

I think in both videos and books you are going to try things, right? but my question do you prefer learning from videos or books and why?

One thing I prefer about videos is that you get to see what to do, rather than having to interpret what to do from the words. Often the words are not very clear, so an actual demo is ‘worth a thousand words’. The Learnable courses are good because they often have a combination of video lessons and written lessons, which is a nice balance.

Different people learn in different ways. Some will learn best from books, others will learn better by watching actual examples or simply hearing rather than reading. If you were taking a course then the material should be presented in a variety of different ways to make sure that people learn regardless of which works best for them. If you are undertaking independent study then simply use the type of resources that work best for you.

I think for manual operations (to do something with hand without much brain power like cooking) videos suite best, while for learning textual stuff (like programming) text books / websites are better. Just my opinion!