Is this possible with Javascript?

I’m using this javascript to replace all of my links with registration messages:

function replaceLinks() {
    var links = document.querySelectorAll('.restore a:link');
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        links[i].innerHTML = 'DOWNLOAD register here.';
        links[i].href = 'register.php';

The problem:

It’s replacing all thumbnail images (that link to their full-size images), too. I can’t apply a specific CSS selector to just links because I’m using vBulletin and it would apply it to both links and images inside of the post content.

Does anyone know how I can…

forbid this Javascript from applying to links that end with .jpg, .gif, etc – so it only rewrites the links, and not the thumbnails that link to their full sized images?

The obvious way would be to give only the links you want to have replaced a common class and target that class.

Thank you for the response. However, as stated in the post “I can’t apply a specific CSS selector to just links because I’m using vBulletin and it would apply it to both links and images inside of the post content.”

I was able to find the solution via StackOverflow:

function replaceLinks() {
    var links = document.querySelectorAll('.restore a:link');
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        if (/\\.(png|jpe?g)$/.test(links[i].href)) continue;
        links[i].innerHTML = 'DOWNLOAD register here.';
        links[i].href = 'register.php';

This only continues if the result is false (for the png/jpg, etc)

This forum is vBulletin and it has

		<li class="left">
			<a href="" class="siteicon_homepage">
				Visit Homepage
      <a class="postuseravatar" href="member.php?83449-Mittineague" title="Mittineague is online now">
        <img src="image.php?u=83449&amp;dateline=1346451258" alt="Mittineague's Avatar" title="Mittineague's Avatar" />
  • the avatar image’s link has the class “postuseravatar”
  • the link with no image has the class “siteicon_homepage”